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Richard Coyle

Profile Updated: September 3, 2021
Residing In:
Ithaca, NY USA
University Administrator
We have three children, Christina (1990), Brendan (1996) and Jeremy (1998). Christina works for Bloomberg More…LLC, Brendan works in film production for Post Haste Digital in Los Angeles, and Jeremy is a recent graduate from Cornell University. All three children were born in Massachusetts.
Work at Alyeska:

I worked on the Owners' Audit Staff from August 1981-May 1984. Technically, I was on the payroll of Atlantic Richfield and placed "on loan" to Alyeska. I started with ARCO in June of 1980 in their Philadelphia offices as an Internal Auditor. After leaving Alyeska, I returned to ARCO and completed a short summer assignment in their European chemical operations. I left ARCO at the end of August 1984 to return to graduate school at Cornell University where I earned my MBA.

While at Alyeska, I travelled the entire line, auditing operations at pump stations, the Valdez terminal, and of course, headquarters on S. Bragaw Street. I also performed audits of contractors to identify erroneous charges, and served as an expert witness regarding clean-up costs for a large oil spill in Valdez.

What's happened since?:

I stayed in a financial career until 2000, and worked in oil & gas, computer peripherals, publishing, and medical device industries. As part of this, I enjoyed a five year posting in Germany and the Netherlands from 1989-94. By 2000, however, I felt I wanted a career which was more externally focused, rather than internally focused. I secured an appointment by the Governor (now Senator Angus King, Jr.) of Maine as the State Director of International Trade. After six years, I then moved to Arkansas as a Senior Director of International Corporate Affairs for Wal-Mart Stores. This position ultimately led me back to my alma mater, Cornell University, where I became the Executive Director of the Emerging Markets Institute. In May of 2020, I took on the role of Executive Director of the Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy, which focuses on the funding, financing, permitting, and regulating of large scale infrastructure projects. My days on the pipeline are helping now that I am involved in the world of infrastructure. I can be reached at rcoyle86@gmail.com.

Alyeska Story:

I met my wife in Alaska. She worked for SOHIO in the Accounting Department. We were invited to attend a Christmas party in 1982 by the University of Alaska Accounting Club. Each year, the Club would invite people from industry to attend its Christmas party in order to give the students a chance to network. Well, I met my wife that day and spent the entire party with her. Didn't meet a single student!

Posted: Aug 19, 2016 at 9:31 AM
Posted: Aug 19, 2016 at 9:30 AM
Posted: Aug 19, 2016 at 9:32 AM
