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In Memory

Dallas W Burford

Dallas Wayne Burford
February 3, 1938 - 2018

A very informal gathering of friends and neighbors was held Saturday, June 9th at Kasilof Roadhouse at 3 pm. for Dallas Wayne Burford of Kasilof, Alaska. 

Dallas is survived by his equally ornery ex-wife Sylvia and their four children, Steven, Jamie, David, and Carrie; daughter-in-law, Carol; his grandchildren, Carolynn, Sarah, Kelcy and Delainie, and his great-grandchild, Kyandra, along with multitudes of friends who were more family than friend. Dallas, the second of three children, was born on February 3, 1938 in Lebanon, Oregon, and was preceded in death by his siblings, Jerry Burford and Delores Scheihing, as well as his best friend, Montana, the "greatest German Shepherd dog ever to live".

Right out of high school, Dallas joined the United States Air Force, where he served between the Korean and the Vietnam Wars in Germany. His dedication to God and country lasted until his final passing, and he could still cite his USAF service number to the end, despite never being able to remember his own internet account password. (It's a good thing he only needed the computer to play Solitaire, check the weather channels and share inappropriate jokes and fake news, that did not pass the "Snopes" test, among his friends and family.) After the military, Dallas brought his family up the Al-Can to find a job in the oil field. He was convinced that his prayer to God secured him a position with Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) on the day he had his last $100 dollars in his pocket. He served over 30 years in dedicated service to his employer, working his way up from an entry-level position, to foreman, and then on to become the superintendent of Cook Inlet platforms and Swanson River facilities. When retirement boredom became too excruciating, he came out of retirement to serve a few years with Alyeska Pipeline.

Dallas cherished Alaska's outdoors and was known for developing close, albeit contentious friendships with various wildlife, such as Leroy and Sally the Sandhill Crane family. "Leroy" was forgiven for destroying the sliding glass door screen, damaged during the fight with his own reflection over a mate and Dallas was forgiven for the bb gun and seal bomb projectiles used to discourage poop on his deck. Dallas sends his posthumous regards to the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game rule enforcers and adds, "Good luck in ticketing me for that offense unless you want to hand-deliver it". As is widely known, he still held a grudge for 30+ years, when they tried to block his right-of-way access to his cabin property at Tustumena Lake. It may have been divine influence that encouraged him to pick an attorney whose initials were "W.A.R." which allowed him to soundly trounce the State in court and he continued to rub it in their noses every chance he got. In addition to his wildlife friendships, Dallas was known for making lasting friendships with some amazing people and he never turned away someone in need, especially those just seeking a can of cheap beer, swapping epic lies and a good gossip or political debate. The stories about all the tricks he played on friends and family in Kasilof will surely be exaggerated to the point they reach epic legend, as it should be.

In his final days, Dallas's grand sense of humor and his big, soft heart could no longer sustain him and he will be missed by everyone who knew and loved him, as well as by a few who were less likely to love him and more likely to just miss his fine sense of humor and free-flowing advice. And his one last piece of advice for all is to put down your (insert your favorite profanity) smartphones and talk to each other, especially with your children and spouse. Time is precious. Dallas loved being a dad, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and he made sure that each of them knew how much he loved them. Rest assured, he's with his buddy, Montana, right now and if there are snowmachines in heaven, which all Alaskans know to be true, they are sharing the snowmachine seat together and are arguing about who gets to sit in the front. Published in The Peninsula Clarion on June 12, 2018 Dallas is survived by his equally ornery ex-wife Sylvia and their four children, Steven, Jamie, David, and Carrie; daughter-in-law, Carol; his grandchildren, Carolynn, Sarah, Kelcy and Delainie, and his great-grandchild, Kyandra, along with multitudes of friends who were more family than friend. Dallas, the second of three children, was born on February 3, 1938 in Lebanon, Oregon, and was preceded in death by his siblings, Jerry Burford and Delores Scheihing, as well as his best friend, Montana, the "greatest German Shepherd dog ever to live".

Published in The Peninsula Clarion on June 12, 2018

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06/20/18 03:10 PM #1    

Bill Howitt

Dal was quite the character.  Always interesting, usually surprising, with ideas that came out of a different place than many of us. Quite a good team builder. Glad I knew him and worked with him. RIP Dal.

06/21/18 03:11 PM #2    

Wayne Jones

Dal was a character among many. His creation of the “Alyeska Flag” and “standards” by which a location could adorn thier flagpole with it was one of last team building big ones that comes to mind. A story teller for sore. RIP Dallas

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