In Memory

Patricia *Nicholson (Markley)

Julie Raino wrote:  Pat had more gumption than anyone I had known before or since. She stumbled into the computer industry before I had even heard of them! Went to live in Half Moon Bay when she met her husband who loved to sail, set her goal on making a million dollars before she was 30.....and did! She was a fiercely loyal and honest friend with a generous and forgiving heart for everyone. She loved her family, her friends and life itself and hated to leave it all, making sure that she had blessed all our lives before she left.

Pat was living in Palo Alto, CA, was survived by her husband and son and died at age 43 of breast cancer.

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04/29/20 12:33 PM #1    

Paulette (Ruth) Nakutny (Ward)

I'm so sorry to hear this, Pat was such a nice person. We shared the same birth date.


04/30/20 02:57 PM #2    

Mark Arnoux

Patricia was a friend. This notice makes me sad and reflective, for this is the first that I was aware of Pats's passing. As life goes on pursuing selfish ideals,these reminders give me pause

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