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•   Andrew Heare (2018)  7/10
•   Charles Limerick (Limerick) (1975)  2/28
•   Mary Kallem (2010)  10/24
•   Jacob Hall (2018)  3/13
•   Owain Wilde (Owain Wilde) (1997)  2/16
•   Nathan (Fox) Dobbins (2016)  2/15
•   Margaret McCracken (2011)  1/23
•   Elizabeth Quinta (Quinta) (1978)  12/19
•   Nancy Foster (Benedict) (1974)  10/9
•   Erik Anderson (Anderson) (1992)  6/24
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1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
10 live in Arizona
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
90 live in California
22 live in Colorado
12 live in Connecticut
3 live in Delaware
38 live in District Of Columbia
14 live in Florida
13 live in Georgia
1 lives in Guam
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
7 live in Illinois
8 live in Indiana
2 live in Kentucky
6 live in Louisiana
2 live in Maine
51 live in Maryland
25 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
5 live in Minnesota
4 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
2 live in New Hampshire
14 live in New Jersey
5 live in New Mexico
64 live in New York
21 live in North Carolina
7 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
11 live in Oregon
10 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
2 live in Rhode Island
5 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
24 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Vermont
1 lives in Virgin Islands
2,152 live in Virginia
25 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
5 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Antarctica
2 live in Argentina
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Belgium
2 live in Chile
1 lives in Czech Republic
4 live in France
3 live in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
1 lives in Hungary
2 live in Israel
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Jordan
1 lives in Netherlands
2 live in New Zealand
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in Sweden
1 lives in Switzerland
1 lives in Taiwan
8 live in United Kingdom
1,162 location unknown


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