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We are so excited to see high school friends and share this time together.  Here are a few reminders: 

  1. Ashland University has asked that we give a head count a week before our Saturday dinner.  That means the last day to register for dinner is July 5th, as we will need to let them know on the 6th.   If you plan to attend and are mailing a check,  please contact Barb (404-353-2795; bdenbow@comcast.net) to let her know and add your name to the list before the 6th.  Unfortunately we will not be able to take payments for dinner that night. 


  1. Dress for Saturday dinner is casual.  We want everyone to relax, be comfortable, and have fun!


  1. If you have decided to join one of the activities during the day on Saturday, please read the instructions for each group.  All groups will be leaving from the High School (where you can park extra cars), unless you hear otherwise from the group leader.
    1. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – Nancy Wasen is leading this group and if you have not already contacted her, please email her at nwasen@zoominternet.net.  Nancy is looking for another driver and would like to leave at 8:45.   The hall opens at 10:00, tickets for seniors are $24 (cash or credit cards only)
    2. Mohican State Park – Linda Pappas and Bill Newkirk are the leaders.   This group will leave right after the tour at the high school at 10:30. You may want to bring a snack, lunch, drinks or stop on the way to pick up food. 
    3. Golf at the former Ashland Country Club – Tom Castor is leading this group.  Those signed up are:  Fred Weber, Paul Myers, Rick Mizell, and Leroy Solomon.   Please call or email Tom to let him know you are interested in participating.  Cell: 567-203-7725 or golf4@zoominternet.net


  1.  We can actually meet at the high school earlier than our 9:30 tour of Archer Auditorium on Saturday morning.  The school will be open and we are allowed to congregate in the entrance just inside the front doors as early as 8:45 if you want to chat with classmates ahead of time. 


  1.  Stan Kopp, assistant at Trinity Lutheran Church, has extended an invitation to join him in worship there on Sunday morning.10:45-11:45.  He would like to recognize anyone from our class in the congregation so if you plan to attend a worship service, please contact Stan – Cell: 419-651-2770 or sekopp@bright.net   or let him know Saturday night. 


  1. Our Memory Book will be compiled after our weekend.   If you would like to help, please talk to Cheryl Feasel or Bruce North sometime during the weekend.  We are asking everyone to take pictures all weekend so we will have lots to choose from for the book and the website.  We will also keep our class website active for another year to allow classmates to continue to correspond with each other. 



