In Memory

Tony Turner

Tony Turner

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05/19/16 11:27 AM #11    

Anne Johnson (Henry)

It saddens me to learn of the loss of our classmate and friend, Tony Turner.  He and I were in the seventh grade together at Clark Howell Elementary School - Mrs. Johnson's class. Tony was always kind and considerate to our teacher and fellow classmates as well. A real gentleman!  To his wife and family, we send our sincere condolences.

05/19/16 01:57 PM #12    

Evelyn Connie Brown (Holliman)

To those of us that saw Toni at the last luncheon, I thought he looked tired but he never let on how serious his battle was.  Standing by his side as Friendliest when we were seniors was an honor and a priviledge I will treasure.   He touched many people with his gentle, humble spirit.   I am sorry I will be out of town and unable to attend his funeral.  My prayers and deepest sympathy go out to Tony's family.  He will be missed.  Connie



05/19/16 02:39 PM #13    

Dorothy Smithson (Williams)

I am so sad to hear of Tony's passing.  I've been away from Atlanta since graduation, but Tony was truly someone that had to be noticed.  He was kind, fun-loving and always sharing that winsome smile that drew people to him.  May God bring comfort and strength to his family.  

Dorothy Smithson Williams


05/19/16 06:13 PM #14    

Brenda Vineyard (Vail)

Tony Turner was a kind and humble person.  He was a true gentleman who cared about everyone. My  prayers and sympathy to his wife Patricia , son Chris and extended family.

05/19/16 08:20 PM #15    

Nick Billirakis

I am stunned and saddened hearing of Tony`s passing,i sat with him and Chris Reynolds 2 weeks a go at lucheon,laughing talking about old days. Tony is the true epitome of the GRADY SPIRIT, he will be deepest sympathy to his family.....

05/20/16 10:45 AM #16    

Doug Nissley

The picture I took of Tony on page 106 of The Orator is the way  remember Tony. He always had a smile or was laughing. My sympathy to his family. 

05/20/16 12:48 PM #17    

Stanley Yerlow

One of the nicest person in the world.  Tony made everyone feel comfortable.  Will miss him.  Much comfort to his family.
Stanley Yerlow

05/20/16 06:23 PM #18    

Nanci Ragsdale (Wisznia)


I was both saddened and surprised to learn of Tony's passing .  Five years of high school went by, taking many classes, in many subjects.  i was in more than several classes during this time with Tony. Even though I did not know Tony well,  I innately sensed that he was a person  of his word, to be trusted and always willing to help others.  He was a gentle person, always easy to be around, with a ready friendly smile,  with never an unkind word to say of anyone.  Those who called him friend know how fortunate they have been...      My heart-felt sympathy to his family.

05/20/16 08:22 PM #19    

Linda Robertson (Secretan)

Tony had such a quality of genuineness from the time we met at Grady. He could be your friend whoever you were, wherever he found you. We had such a good time at the reunion remembering hanging out at Ansley golf club as kids. We were there for different reasons! I was a third rate swimmer on a first rate team. Tony was the admirer-in-chief of our girls’ team back-stroke star.  He was probably a natural coach, even then. Condolences to his family, who will greatly feel the loss.

05/21/16 04:32 AM #20    

Don Baxter

I got to see Tony last at 50th anniversary dinner.  I saw Tony at a table and went and sat at his table. Talking to Tony put me back in time to our years at Grady.  He had not changed. He was just as sincere, and just as humble as during our Grady days.  The good parts of Tony were the same and it was as if we were having lunch once again at Grady in the cafeteria.  

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