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In Memory

George Carter

For those not on Willene's email list:


January 10, 2017

Good Morning"GHS" Family,


  It saddens me to share with you that our GHS Brother, George Carter, has made his Heavenly transition.  As soon as his "Celebration of Life Service" has been finalized, we will let you know.  Pls keep George's family lifted up in prayer especially his wife, child, siblings and of course his sweet Mom, Mrs. Carter.

  On a special/side bar appeal, let's make a special effort to attend George's Funeral, AND.... to also Come Together on, Saturday, FEBRUARY 4, 2017 at 1:00pm at the restaurant, "NEGRIL VILLAGE," located at 30 North Ave., in Midtown, between Peachtree & West P'tree. streets. Tony C., Shirley and I just turned one Year Older this month. YAY!!!  We ALL would Love to SEE many more B'days & more of our GHS classmates!!! Pls mark your calendar for Sat, Feb. 4th , 1:00pm, to meet and fellowship with each other on a "HAPPY" Note!

 Pls confirm your attendance with Portia Farley Cornelius at 404.289.7742 by Friday, January 27th. 

Please SHARE this E-mail with our other GHS classmates.  If you have additional email addresses not shown above, please SEND them to me.

Luv Ya,

Sistah  Smifff (Willene, '73)
