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In Memory

Charles Tippen

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08/12/22 01:35 PM #1    

Jaimie Honey Blackstone

Ran in to Charles now and then throughout time after graduation. In 1972 he, me, and others took off in my hippie van to Ilse Vista near Santa Barbara California for the summer, whre he picked up surfing. He, me, and Larry got a house togethe in 1974. Ran into him again when I live down the street from him in 1984. Last time was a few years ago mainly thru email - he wanted for him and me to go surprise Larry Sherr (now Laurence) at Kennesaw College where he teaches, but we just never got together on it... Charles' health had gotten bad from a back injury he got surfin' in Hawaii when he and Joe lived out there, and I'd developed MS. I eventually hooked back up with Laurence, but we both miss Charles.

Charles was such a fine friend and awesome guy to hang out with! Tried to get him to go to the 20th reunion back in 1991 which I made it to, but he just wasn't into bringing up memories from H.S. He loved playing his Les Paul guitar, and finally got rid of his long hair.

Miss ya Charles :-D

08/13/22 11:49 AM #2    

Julia Cothran (Bernath)

I remember Charles being such a nice, sweet young man. Sorry to hear that he has passed.

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