In Memory

Chip Bliss

Bret Kretzer just informed me that Chip Bliss passed away in the late 1990's from lung cancer.

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02/10/10 12:31 AM #1    

Brett Kretzer

Chip Bliss, was a very talented artist. In Mrs. Hisey's art class, it was a joy to see him work with his talent. He was really a funny (crazy) guy, and would always make us laugh. You never knew what he might say! I believe he also may have been a pretty good at track? Maybe someone on his track team might want to mention about that? I was trying to remember the last time I spoke with him. I recall that I got my 4x4 Dodge Dakota around 1994, so it must have been sometime after that. I had a CB radio, believe it or not, in that truck, and I spoke to him on it! It was during one of our conversations on it that he informed me that he was dying! I really didn't know what to say? He told me how he has to take breathing treatments, and that the cancer was spreading, and he was having heart trouble.....and it was just sad to hear, really. As I continued talking with him, we would sometimes speak about God, and I believe he knew where he was going! I believe he knew what was to come for him, and he really was in good spirits! Eventually I never heard him on the CB anymore, and he soon passed away sometime after. I know he and his family didn't have a whole lot, but I think they had something that many people that "have it all" don't have? Happiness. RIP Chip

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