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 Welcome '68 Bearcat!



This site was created by classmate Ruth Music to connect 1968 Battle Creek Central alumni.   Donations from classmates paid for the subscription.

Class of '68 Bearcats will never be asked to pay to set up a profile or to have complete access to this site.  The site is ad free and private, paid for by donations from Class of '68 members.


Getting Started:

You don't have to be a '68 GRADUATE to join this site.  If you attended classes with us at some time and can provide specific information about when and where, you are eligible to join our site.  Also, if you are not a Class of '68 member, but you were connected to our class in some way, (teacher, class of '66 through '70 friend of the class) you may be eligible for a guest membership. 

Please write to for more information. 


Setting up your profile:

In order to access the pages that are password protected on this site, you must setup a personal profile by providing a minimum of your email address and a password.  

First, click on the "Classmates Profiles" link on the top left side of the homepage,  locate your name and click on it. Follow the prompts to create your profile.

Private information such as your email address, home address and phone numbers will not be visible to fellow classmates.  Private information may be shared anytime you wish, through private messaging on the site.  This site is secure from general internet search.  Your private information will not be shared unless you decide to share it with individual classmates in private messages.    

Mailing addresses are requested in the event that it is necessary to contact you by snail mail or phone.  Email addresses are only required for sign on.  Your information will never be shared with anyone without your permission.

Your yearbook picture - For most classmates, your name and yearbook picture have already been added to the site for you.  If it is not already here on the site, use the "Contact Us" box at the top of the page, to let Ruth know.  Some people were inadvertantly missed when the site was set up.  Everyone from the class of '68 should be included here! 

Choosing a password:  

  • Clicking the "Remember Me" will allow you to by-pass entering your password each time you visit, but eventually the "remember me" will fail. 

    Please make note of your password!!
  • If you forget your password, simply click on "forgot my password" and the site will send an email with log-on information.   If you have have several email accounts, and you don't remember the one you used to set-up your account, contact us, and the information will be sent to you.  This could take several hours so please be patient.  

A word from your Administrator -  I created this site after searching the web to find old friends and finding almost no information about our great class of '68.  It is my own personal effort.  It is not sponsored by or associated with the School or the group that does reunion planning.  As administrator, I am responsible for content added to public areas of the site.  Any post made by a classmate that is deemed inappropriate; unkind comments, comments that encourage debate of a political or religious nature, commercial postings, etc.,  will be deleted. 

Important!  As administrator I have access to PUBLIC posting only.  Private messages shared between classmates are 100% private.  They cannot be accessed by anyone else unless you share your password.  As adminstrator, I cannot see your password.  If you ask me to change your password, an email will be sent to you automatically via the site to make you aware of the change.  It's always best to use the site's automated system to update your password, but if you need help, feel free to contact me.  

PLEASE!  do not share your password with anyone. 

If you have any questions just send me a note at:






We have reached our goal of

10 years prepaid through 10/2030 for this site,

including domain !!!  



Donating to our webpage provides the framework for this site 
All pricing is set by


Domain Registration

  • The domain address for this site is $24 per year   
  • Our Domain Name allows us to use an easier to remember web address that is registered exclusively to


Additional Information

Funds collected for the website will only be used to maintain this website. 

The Reunion Planning Committee is not currently affiliated with this website

Donations to this website are not a donation to the Reunion Committee.




WEBSITE donations may be sent to: 

Ruth Music
3099 Powers Road

Alanson, MI  49706



Another way to bring funds in for this site!!

(This is STILL applicable, even though we are paid in advance for 10 years!) 


If you know someone who would be interested in a website like ours, please let me know!  We will get a $50 credit toward our site for anyone signing up for a new site through ours. 

Please give this information who might be interested:   

  • Visit our website:
  • Scroll to the bottom of the homepage and find the ad for Class Creator.  Click on that ad. 
  • Follow the page set-up directions from the link on our site.  This step is VERY important.  For each class that signs up for a new site from the link on our site, we will get a $50 credit toward the yearly cost of this site.  That pays for 6 months and no one even has to get out a checkbook! 
  • For questions, 


This is a private site for
Battle Creek Central High School Class of '68.
It is not affiliated with the the Battle Creek Public Schools or the Class of '68 Reorganized Reunion and Event Planning committee. 
This page is a private gathering place, formed for the enjoyment of Battle Creek Central Class of '68 alumni. 
  • All memberships will be granted or denied at the sole discretion of the site administrator.
  • Memberships may be revoked at any time.
  • The privacy and security of all registered members will be first priority for the purpose of invitations, admittance, denials and revocations.

