In Memory

Ray Crum

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06/05/08 01:46 AM #1    

Martha Wright (Bradley)

Ray lived across the street from my mom and would bring her things to eat, sit and talk and make us laugh. He could make me laugh so hard that I would loose all muscle control. One day, I left a video store after knocking down about 25 video boxes but could not stop laughing because of an expression Ray made over a video. It's the way he said things and the expression on his face that could make me useless.
He would always pick up a dead pet from the road for us.
So, I can say that Ray could be so kind most of the time.

He could also make me mad but overall, Ray was good with a willingness to keep us all laughing.

08/23/08 01:09 AM #2    

Susan Timbes (Bridges)

Gone, but not forgotten.

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