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In Memory

Donald Thullen 1958-1993 Music

Donald Thullen 1958-1993 Music

Donald Wayne “Tweet” Thullen died peacefully Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at his Bensalem home surrounded by his loving wife, Peggy, and his seven children. He was 89. Don was born in Poland, Ohio. He attended Poland High School, excelling in athletics. He then discovered his love of music and his incredible tenor voice. He graduated from Youngstown State University with a degree in Choral Music. He married and moved to Philadelphia to pursue his career, settled in Trevose, and raised five children. Don “Tweet”, as he was known, taught music at Bensalem High School for 35 years. He directed the award-winning concert choir, chorus, first ever Madrigals, and Messiah Sings. His other talent was directing the high school musicals as well as the summer musicals for Bensalem Parks and Rec. Don earned the Master of Arts degree in voice from Trenton State, several post graduate degrees, and the EPDA Summer Grant from the Julliard School of Music, performing in operas in Aspen, Colo. He was a soloist at the Lincoln Center, soloed at various churches, and performed with many professional choirs, symphonies, and ensembles. Don married his current wife, Peggy, in 1992, and have been inseparable ever since, traveling the world and enjoying time with their church, singing in the choir, and family and friends. “Tweet’s” years at BHS have left an indelible mark on the minds, voices, and lives of his students. He will be remembered for always having time for all, passing on his incredible knowledge and passion for music, and giving each child the confidence to attain their goals. Whether in music or in life, he made a difference. Many of his former students still contact him regularly after graduating decades ago. They reached out to him, especially so these past weeks, giving him thanks for his love and support. Don left a huge footprint, earning him a plaque on the Bensalem Wall of Fame. He is survived by his love, Peggy; his children, Dawn Pope (Gary), Paula Thullen, Joli Thullen, Rhonda Barreto (Javier), William Thullen, J. Charles Elinich, and Jean Elinich-Marchut (Devin); his grandchildren, Lester Pope (Melissa), Kati Pope (David), Kelly Pope, the late Stephen Klidzia, Connor LaBau, Sophia Barreto, and Nicholas Nauta (Natalie); and great-grandson, Jaxon Wayne Pope. God’s gift to Don was his beautiful voice and the ability to see the good and potential in everyone. His gift to us was his undying love for his wife and family, his faith in God, and his ability to teach music and lessons in life. He was 89 and he left us too soon. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his funeral Friday, May 4, at the Bensalem Presbyterian Church, 2826 Bristol Road, Bensalem, PA 19020, followed by his service at 11 a.m. Interment will be held privately. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his name to the Music Department at the Bensalem Presbyterian Church. 2826 Bristol Road, Bensalem, PA 19020. Tomlinson Funeral Home, Bensalem www.tomlinsonfh.com

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05/01/18 10:16 PM #1    

Courtland Lynn (1966)

Mr. Thullen was the teacher I was closest to at BHS.  Performing in Choir was the most enjoyable part of my high school experience.  He actually recruited me from Snyder Jr. High to sing with the HS Choir because he was short of first tenors!  I visited him twice over the last two years at his home and he was in great spirits talking about those years.   Funny story - He actually sent me across the street to buys goodies for him and "sectionals" students at Jan's Donuts - during school !   I can only imagine what would happen if a teacher did that today.

09/18/18 07:29 PM #2    

Barry E. Thompson (1963)

I who honor his memory. . His music classes and the choir

..his was. A kind and noble person his name will be for a memory for me

05/10/22 09:37 AM #3    

Charles Smith 1973-1979 Music


     There have been many successful years in the Bensalem High School Music Department, but nothing can compare to that 1972-73 school year. We launched the marching band into the modern era, started the Music Boosters, hosted the 25th Anniversary of the County Festival, but none of that compares to the staging of our first (annual) Broadway musical:  Meredith Wilson's: “The Music Man”.  


     The excitement generated by the “first” musical was contagious. Everyone wanted to be involved.  It was not only the schools first Broadway musical, but on many levels, it was the most successful musical show to date.  It surely had the largest cast and crew,  over one-hundred and fifty in cast and chorus, and probably another fifty in the supporting crews.  It was the only Bensalem musical that totally filled our huge auditorium, and it did so on two of the three nights it ran. -  It was the hottest ticket around. 


     Don was the director of this noble event, and in the two months before the show, he perfected his style of directing that would carry him through the next twenty years: - total confusion, tumult, perplexity, bewilderment, befuddlement, and chaos, followed by astonishment, amazement and always success.  The order of these stages was not always the same, and the success usually came after a very chaotic first night.


     There have been many successful musical’s in Bensalem since “Music Man”, some with better singing, acting and dancing, and even talent, but there was something very special about that first one.  Since then, many students have benefited from their experience with Bensalem’s real Music man, the preeminent “assurance salesman”: Mr. Donald Thullen.   

01/04/23 12:28 AM #4    

Timothy Beltley (1985)

Again, the most noble man I have ever met! He blazed the trail and started the annual school musical which was the spring board for many students to go into professional theater and opera. Always cool and understanding, his sense of humor unfaltering. So gifted in music and an open invitation to join the music program for any student interested. I even took the opportunity to skip a couple classes to help him hang wallpaper on the set of Hello Dolly....he knew I was skipping and didn't question it a bit. If I hear , "The Carol of the Bells" at Christmas...it's tweet I see in my mind conducting.

Thank You Tweet.....

01/19/23 11:15 AM #5    

Susan C. McClain (Schultz) (1974)

Mr. Thullen made a huge impression on my life, encouraging my love of music and singing,  It was a joy to be in the choir and the Madrigals.  Today I still sing and I often think of him and his amazing, booming tenor voice. Someone with his talent and voice could have been exclusively singing professionally but he chose to share his talents with us.  We were so blessed to have him. I realize that now more than ever. 

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