In Memory

Ralph McLamb - Class Of 1972

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04/29/09 03:19 AM #1    

Teresa McLamb (Blackmon) (1972)

Just to let those of you who lost touch know about Ralph since his Benson Phantom days. Ralph went to NCSU after graduation, majoring in Horticulture. He worked several jobs in addition to going to school and finally decided to leave school and settle in New York City. That was about 1975. He began as a dance student, first studying under Robert Joffrey of the Joffrey Ballet. He was very dedicated to this endeavor, but he started so late in life (for a dancer). In 1986 he opened a restaurant and catering business in Greenwich Village called Three's a Party. Ralph had many New York friends but stayed in touch with us back home. He never left to go back to NYC without a box of Carolina Packers hot dogs and other Johnston County fare. Ralph died in New York City in January of 2003. A memorial service was held here in Benson. (If anyone is interested in a copy of the eulogies and other parts of this service, please e-mail me at

Teresa McLamb (Blackmon)

05/12/09 12:48 PM #2    

Debbie Sanders (Stafford) (1970)

I was so sorry to learn about Ralph. I loved him! He was such a sweetheart and would go out of his way to speak and cheer you up. I got to see right much of him since he was Judy's little brother. She and I took driver's ed. together with Mr. (Coach) Pell. I am glad Ralph got to do what he wanted. I think he knew even in H.S. that he wanted to go into the arts. Good for him!
I hope he is dancing in Heaven.

Debbie Stafford

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