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•   Wayne Larcey  10/26
•   John Southam  10/30
•   Janet McEwen (Crisp)  11/8
•   James (Jim) Mencin  11/10
•   Cathie Lessard (Morse)  11/12
•   Ethel (Edie) Sinnema (Pearson)  11/18
•   Sharon Stinchcomb (Calderini)  11/18
•   Pat Schweitzer (Oehme)  11/20
•   Paul Selig  11/20


•   Barry Fortlage  1/23
•   Rita Hood (Mix)  12/11
•   Mae Jean Metz (Keener)  11/28
•   Martin (Marty) Frank Steinkamp  10/8
•   William Brainard  4/26
•   Jane A. Marting (Miller)  4/19
•   Robert Chrysler  1/18
•   Gerald Aust (Aust)  1/9
•   Charles Leland (Lewis)  12/10
•   David Pearson III  11/16
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
8 live in California
5 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
23 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
4 live in Michigan
4 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
3 live in North Carolina
106 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
4 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
4 live in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
6 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Sweden
1 lives in Thailand
1 lives in United Kingdom
23 location unknown
101 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 59.6%

A:   143   Joined
B:   97   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Stanley (Jim) Demczyk  2024
•   John Gerbasi  2024
•   Kenneth (Ken) Lynn  2024
•   Al Stavole  2024
•   Richard D. Beeler  2024
•   Dale Lange  2023
•   James (Jim) Hiss  2023
•   Joanne Stalzer (Ward)  2023
•   Wayne W. Walter  2021
•   H. Allen (Al) Tadych  2022
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There is a great video tour of "our" high school that I thought you may enjoy.


We have been informed that Stanley (Jim) Demczyk passed away on July 4, 2024. 



Sorry to inform you that John Gerbasi passed away 

in Medina on June 18, 2024.


We wanted to let you know that on June 1, 2024, Joanne Stalzer Ward (who passed away June 18, 2023) was honored by the City of Hercules, CA with a plaque adjacent to Hercules City Hall and the renaming of the Hercules Library Homeschool Resource Room in her honor.  Joanne served both on City Council, as Mayor for numerous terms, along with other civic positions, achieving many accomplishments.  (interesting info from an earlier political campaign).


Gregory Macosko (Class of '65) created a VERY nice video "The Berea I Remember"

Greg, thank you for sharing your Berea memories with us!


I have updated our Supplemental Sitethe "Berea Ohio Project"!  Lots of old Berea pictures and among other things it includes obituaries from some of our GREAT teachers we were fortunate to have.


Berea-Midpark High School Virtual Tour, September 2020.  Wow, very nice!


It is hard to believe, we created this website over 12 years ago (2008), with over 27,000 visits!  We hope you have been enjoying it! 

Site Created: 7/28/2008

Home Page Visitors: 28,!



We have a new site added to the Berea & BHS Links page: From-flower-power-to-peace-and-love-america-in-the-1960s!

Suggested by Anna Jones, thanks Anna!


With the help of Barbara Freeburn Harshey (BHS Class of ’67) and her great detective work, Barb has provided updates for the following classmate’s "In Loving Memory" entries; Joanne Cecila Driscoll, James Keck, Kenneth Carl Dumke, and Greg William Massman.  Thank you Barb!  

Here is a nice article from the Sun News about the 50th Reunion!

We have added a new feature, the 50th Reunion Pix, which allows any Class of 1960 classmate to "upload" pictures after they log on to the web site.  We hope many of you contribute pictures from the reunion.

The new name for the school that is replacing Farirwood has been named "Grindstone Elementary School"...........update on Fairwood School.

New "Florida Get-Together" pictures and a 1956 birthday party picture!

We have added a new page, let us know if you have items to add!

Welcome to the Berea High Class Of 1960 web site.   Please spend some time, create your profile and let others know about the site, most of all have fun with it!

This site is very interactive.  You'll be able to easily add information and photos yourself, contact other classmates, help find classmates, etc.  We're excited about the possibilities!

If it’s your first time to the web site, please login by clicking the Classmate Profiles tab, scroll down to your name, click it and enter your current contact information.  You can provide as little or as much information as you like without fear of spam.  You can set your profile to display your contact information or to keep it private.  It's up to you!  This website is private and the information in it is not available in search engines, although the website's homepage is. 

You can also share personal updates, memories, photos and videos with your classmates here.  Enjoy looking at the profiles of old friends and don’t forget to add your own photos and comments.  Check back often as classmates will continue to post new photos and updates. 


Circa 1928

Here is a link to the Berea Historical Society.


 Click to hear the Pride of Berea; the Berea High School Marching Band!





To upload pictures: First I would select the photos you want to upload and save them on the computer desktop, this will make them easier to find. Make a note of a picture number if you have not saved it with a particular name.
·         Log onto the system with your e-mail address and the password you selected;
·         Click on Edit/Upload photos on the left side of the screen;
·         Click Upload New Photo;
·         Click Add Files;
·         This will allow you to select the photo you will upload to your profile.
·         Select desktop, if necessary, select the picture, click Open;
·         This will send you back to your profile and click Upload Files, on the right side of the screen;
·         You will see what your picture looks like, you can add a caption or upload another picture, after you are finished, click Save Files.
·         Now click on Home Page and click your name in the Profile Updates!