Class discussions


Forum: General Discussion


Looking for suggestions

Created on: 10/21/09 05:45 PM Views: 404 Replies: 1
Looking for suggestions
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:45 PM

We are looking for ideas on what people would like to have at the reunion, or for that matter things that maybe people didn't like from past reunions! We want to make this fun for all so every suggestions counts. So come on class of 1990 share your thoughts!! This is an open discussion so start any topic you would like! 

RE: Looking for suggestions
Posted Tuesday, October 27, 2009 05:00 PM

Well it is hard for me to throw out ideas other then what I know what I have done at Air Force balls and dine ins. Other then I can help with party ideas so to speak I have never been to a class reunion been overseas to I am able to read how the plan meetings went and all of that good stuff. I do have some pictures from back then I will go threw my pic box and try get those e-mailed this weekend or doing next week.


