Angela Bock Bacon

Profile Updated: March 14, 2008
Residing In: orange county, CA
Spouse/Partner: doug
Homepage: facebook
Children: theo, dec 02
josie, march 05
stella, april 07
Yes! Attending Reunion

In 3rd grade we moved to the middle of nowhere north carolina but, fortunately, my parents returned to their senses and so we, in turn, returned to civilization for junior high (pyle). after university spent 10 years working in london and paris and have been in the OC for nearly three.

School Story:

I remember desperately wanting kristin v.'s cork wedge shoes; cardboard boxes made to look like bricks in mrs. lesch's class; 'find the red crayon'; hugs from mrs baer; being called off the playground, examined by teachers and told i had to go home because i had the chicken-pox; waiting for the bus with elizabeth, cintra and reagan; chase, does the mushroom house still exist?