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Get Off the Missing List!

Q: I'm on the Missing Classmate list. How do I change that?

A: You have to register on this site to get off the dreaded "Missing" list. The easiest way to do that is:
• Click on: http://www.whitman73.com/class_classmates_missing.cfm
• Find your name
• Click on your name (a page with a BIG HEADING will appear that says "JOIN HERE").
• Click on appropriate links to Join and update your profile.
• Please add pictures!

If you cannot locate your name on the list or have trouble with these directions, you might be at the wrong school :-). Feel free to email me at cabrooksva@gmail.com if you need help. Also, if you see a profile that is not checked and know how to contact that person, please forward to them.

PLEASE help your missing classmates get off the "Missing" list by sending them the link to this site (or just clicking on their name to invite them if you know their email address).