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In Memory

Wendie Greiner (Guterl) VIEW PROFILE

August 18, 1955 - March 29, 2014  

Wendie A. Guterl of Bethesda, Maryland peacefully passed away on March 29, 2014 after a long fight with breast cancer. She is survived by her husband of 35 years, Peter Guterl, her daughter Wittney, and her son Jeremy. Wendie is also survived by her parents, Edwin and Rita Greiner, and her sister Robin Greiner.
Wendie worked as an editor before becoming what she was best known as, a teacher of young children. For over 15 years she taught at the neighborhood nursery school her children previously attended, later moving on to assist children with special needs. Wendie was an active volunteer throughout her life, organizing fundraisers of all sorts and working with her friends to support the Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival. She was a wonderful cook and will be fondly remembered for her delicious and prolific baked goods.
Wendie was a devoted wife, mother, daughter, and sister. She will be greatly missed by her family and countless friends.
A memorial service will be held Wednesday, April 2 at 1 p.m. at Congregation Har Shalom, located at 11510 Falls Road in Potomac, Maryland. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice or to the charity of your choice .

Published in The Washington Post on Apr. 2, 2014

- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?pid=170458076#sthash.FbWEePsQ.dpuf

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03/31/14 10:19 AM #1    

Stephen Newton

A great friend even though we lost touch after college. Very sorry to read this.

03/31/14 01:10 PM #2    

Lois Rus (Gifford)

Truly Sorry to hear that Wendie passed we were good friends in high school.My sympathies to her family.


Yours Truly Lois R.Gifford (Lois Rus)

04/01/14 02:29 PM #3    

Hylla Poland (Evans)

This is sad news and a real loss.  Wendie was a kind, smart, true friend of great integrity.  She will be missed enormously.  My love and regards go to her family.  Steve, if you want to call me, same number/email.  I'm moving from Sonoma to Atlanta in April (in DC next week) and would love to talk.

04/02/14 08:33 AM #4    

Suzan Richmond


It saddens me to know that Wendie lived close by, we were friends in high school, and we lost touch. . .

Seeing so many of you at this last reunion was gratifying. Life is fleeting. Staying in touch is a blessing. Call me, Hylla, when you're in DC...and anyone else who wants to catch up.

All best,

Suzan Richmond (srichmond@teammedia.com)

Anyone in town who wants to pay respects to Wendie, this came from the Bannockburn neighborhood listserv:

There will be a memorial service for Wendie on Wednesday, April 2, at 1:00 PM at Congregation Har Shalom  (http://harshalom.org/about-us/contact-us/). The service will be held at in the Gordon Sanctuary, which is reached by using the middle (administrative) entrance of the building. Following the service the family will be receiving at their home located  at 6732 Brigadoon Drive, Bethesda, MD.  In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hospice or the charity of your choice.

04/02/14 02:08 PM #5    

Sheree Sano

Wendy was truly one of my childhood friends - Bannockburn thru Whitman - the name of the street she lived on, Brigadoon, really brings back memories of roving the neighborhood - I'll miss her. She was always good, a very good person.

04/02/14 03:17 PM #6    

Hylla Poland (Evans)

So, so sad.

I'll be in Bethesda Sunday April 6th til Thursday the 10th.  Sorry not to be there in time for the memorial service.  My phone is 707-996-5840.  Anyone there, please give her parents (?) my best.

04/03/14 08:58 AM #7    

Mark Rovner

I remember taking her to a Paul Simon concert in exchange for typing a paper for me. She was a good pal.

04/04/14 05:55 PM #8    

Hylla Poland (Evans)

And Mark, Wendie kept me apprised of your news when you went to college.  Let's try to get better at being in touch!

11/13/17 01:02 PM #9    

Edward Earle

So sad to be reminded of this loss to Wendie's family, her friends, and the world.  I knew Wendie when we went to Pyle, and we became buddies again when her daughter Whitney was a student at Pyle; I was a teacher there at the time.  Wendie was so sweet, and she loved her kids.  I know that many will miss her.  Ed Earle

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