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In Memory

Daniel Klein

Daniel Klein

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05/06/22 06:05 PM #1    

Donald Baker

I was friends with Danny in 6th grade at Ayrlawn and in junior high at NB. I remember reading that he was stabbed to death in the course of an altercation with someone in downtown Bethesda. I was sad to learn of it; he was a great guy.

05/08/22 07:05 PM #2    

Bill Cather

Danny and I were trumpet friends grades 7-12, as well as outside of school. Played many duets together. We were constantly challenging each other for chairs. He was a great guy, lots of fun, always upbeat and cracking jokes. I remember when I heard he had died, I couldn't believe it. My understanding, he was walking in Bethesda with a new girlfriend and her ex showed up and confronted them. The guy ended up stabbing Danny, very sad.

05/09/22 04:55 PM #3    

Lynn Hunt (Wolff)

Don & Bill, what year was Danny murdered?  

05/10/22 10:31 AM #4    

Bill Cather

Lynn, I'm pretty sure it was around December 1975. Looks like December 29, 1975 according to the Genealogy websites.

10/25/22 09:42 PM #5    

Richard (Rick) Stade

Dan was a friend and a really nice guy.  I was sad to hear of his passing.  He and I went to Ocean City to celebrate graduation and had a blast with only one glitch. On the way there I was pulled over for speeding and luckily Dan with stealthy moves quickly placed both of our beer cans under his seat as we were riding with the top down.   I actually got off with just a warning after telling the officer that we were on our way to the beach to celebrate graduating, while looking down saying ‘Yes Sir’ multiple times hoping he wouldn’t catch a whiff of my breath.  He never asked what was in the ice chest in the back seat – but of course he knew!

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