In Memory

Joel Daniel Pinckard II

Joel Daniel Pinckard II

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08/02/19 12:32 AM #1    

Albert Lee Robinson

The Danny I knew was curious, outgoing, fun and mischievous. Those qualities that endeared him to me also brought him much pain and hardship later in life. His wife Debbie is a dedicated wife that loves him immensely or as she called it "fiercely". He had that same 'fierce' love for their two daughters that were prematurely taken to heaven. Those losses were devastating to Danny. He had dedicated so much of his life to his daughters that his own health deteriated. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure about 8 years ago and we are all old enough to know that one does not recover from that. Each episode takes a little more and does not give back. While I have not seen Danny is several years, we would touch by e-mail on occasion to reminisce our youthful exploits. They were so much fun. I have missed him for the last several years but I am truly sad that I will not have a chance to relive our adventures again. Go with God my friend. 


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