In Memory


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01/31/10 09:03 AM #1    

Terri Cichon

I met Diana when she and her family move into Brad Hallen's house right up the street from me. We had some wild times, smokeing cigarettes constantly getting trouble with the parents. I heard Diana passed years ago in a car accident in NYC. I was sad then and still am, when I think of the times Diana and I had.

God bless and rest in peace Diana.

02/05/10 01:27 PM #2    

Nancy Schwemlein (Carroll)

I miss her even today and still try to stay in touch with her parents. We had so many good times together. She was in such a hurry to graduate high school so she could travel, then we lost her on one of her first trips. Hope you're looking down Diana!

06/08/10 07:32 PM #3    

Terri Nurnberger (Kleinschmidt)

Diana was one of my best friends in high school.  Wild times is an understatement!  I miss her dearly.

07/15/10 12:04 PM #4    

Sandra Parker (Parker)

What I recall most about Diana is her waist long hair and sparkling eyes, and how talented and artistic she was, especially in Mrs. Aamot's (Sp) pottery class.  So sad that you were taken so soon. 

08/11/22 11:13 PM #5    

Sandra Parker (Parker)

Diana Howard died in 1978 in a horrific 3 car accident.  She was 21.

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