Classmates In Arizona: 9

     Contains profile information: 5
     Profile contains photos: 2
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


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David Alcorn
Susie Dowell (Emery)   
Don Feek    
Jerry Hilton
Sonja Jones (Davis)    
Michael Munn   
Judi Pointer (Jenkins)   
Susan Sproat (Stolfa)
Margaret Whitecotton (Kraft)

window.onload= MakeSnow( myImages, // type null to use character snow and then myimages above is not required 15, // number of images - over 30 not recommended 2, // speed 1-10 usually 6 for snow 80, // maximum size - usually around 60 40, // minimum size - usually around 30 mycolor // optional text color overrides, not required );
