Classmate Profiles (1977)

     User has created a profile: 5
     Profile contains photos: 2
     In Memory: 2
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Brenda Banks (Lavigne)    
Ralph Branton   
Vickie Byrd
Debra Corkern (Hughes)
Doyle Creel
Gayla Farmer   
Terry Flynn
Debbie Freeman
Donna Galloway
Ricky Haik
Barbara Kirsch
Jamie Knight
Buddy Lambert
Mickey Milton
Scott Moody
Tony Munizza
Peggy Pickard  
Cyndy Pittman
Sarah Rawls (Davis)
Virgil Seal
Mark Smith
David Earl Stewart
Belinda Sticker
Janet Thomas
Tammy Thomas (Godwin)    
Lynda Watts
Tony Williamson   
Sonny Wilson  

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