Classmate Profiles (1978)

     User has created a profile: 12
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 7
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 4
     Military Service: 3
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 12    Newest Members: 12  

Gerald Scooter Barnes   
Bryan Burgess    
Cyndy Cooper   
Pam Creel
Sandy Denham (Lloyd)   
Mike Dillion
Darrell Wayne Haik
Richard Gary Higgins
Marie Ingram (Vince)  
Darlene Jarrell (McCain)   
Naomi Knight (McCormick)   
Brian Laney   
Julian Little   
Keith Lott    
Jimmy Mixon  
Anita Jo Nobles (Davis)
Russell Pittman   
Jeffery A. Primes     
Cindy Pulley (Roach)  
Charles Russell   
Donna Samford (Singleton)   
Mary Jane Stewart
Phillip Ray Thomas   
Tommie Thomas
Freda Warner (Jones)   
Tim Williamson   

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