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Created on: 01/08/10 04:10 AM Views: 1506 Replies: 13
SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Thursday, January 7, 2010 11:10 PM

A few people have emailed me and offered to do some searches on facebook and other online methods to try to find some contact info, preferably email address.  I am starting this topic so that people can BLOG about what they have already tried so that no one wastes their efforts doing duplicate work;



Edited 01/07/10 11:11 PM
RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Friday, January 8, 2010 07:19 AM

I have the N-Z section of the missing classmates.  Yesterday I was able to find 11 classmates via Facebook.  3 have responded to me already and registered here.  Linda McNabb is searching for A-M classmates.  If anyone has email addresses or other contact info, either let us know or send them an email yourself and direct them to this site to register.  Then post here so we know to cross them off our list!  Thanks!!  Mary Murray

RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Saturday, January 9, 2010 09:41 AM

I went on yesterday and was able to find a few more people.  I still have about 25 people on my list that I haven't been able to find.  Some of the names are just too common.

RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Thursday, January 21, 2010 07:35 AM

Mary and Linda.....

Thanks for doing such a great job trying to connect.  I have also emailed Monica, Mary Bender, Rae Lewis and a couple others via facebook with a personal message asking them to join. I figure we can touch base near the end of the month and then I will figure out a mailing via post office after that and go from there.



RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Thursday, January 21, 2010 09:19 AM

Hi Joanna,

A couple of people I have connected with on FB just haven't filled out their profiles yet.  Only one on has viewed their message.  I'll be in touch by the end of the month. 


RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2010 06:09 AM

Just a bit of an update on some of the folks that I know Linda McNabb was able to contact so that duplicate effort is not made by anyone else:

Clair McGill Poles  -- she joined  -- thanks!

Christine Craig  - Linda left message on her home phone.

Nancy McNeil  -  She found a mailing address and I am going to send her a letter.

I am sure there are others but I am not sure on the specifics yet.  Will add to this forum once I know. 


RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2010 06:13 AM

Mary ,

Will you  make a post on this forum and list people like Mark Parolin whom you said you spoke to and he said he will be joining the site but he has not signed up yet.

Also, Carol Owens has not joined yet and she is someone you spoke to also, correct?

I know there are others you were able to reach but don't know exactly who.

When I spoke to Bette she told me that Astrid Alvarez has been contacted and plans to join so you don't need to try to reach her. 

thanks, Joanna



RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Wednesday, February 3, 2010 07:51 AM

More info on classmates searched for already - Details from Linda McNabb:

I FaceBooked (FB) Mary Bender and Carole Davis - have not heard back.
Civita is "friends" with Marie McDonnell and Georgia Lazar on FB.  I facebooked both of them but have not heard back.  Civita said she would try to contact them, too.
I asked Joan McPhail to let Nancy McNeil know, if she sees her, but I do not think they have any contact.  She is in the white pages under "Hamel", in Mansfield.
The rest that I found have logged into the site.
So, basically, I checked face book for all A-M but did not have much luck.  I did not check  I only checked White pages for the few I mentioned (for instance, I found Clair  and Mary Permatteo there, so I called them and they logged in.)
Mary Permatteo was going to let Michael Zadeh know - hopefully she will remember that.  I think her husband keeps in touch with him.


RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Wednesday, February 3, 2010 06:13 PM


Aside from those I have contacted that have already created profiles, this is the status of my search:

Carol Owens - FB.  She will create a profile.

Denise Paolucci Rousseau-FB pending

Mark Parolin-talked to him.  He will create a profile.

Carlyene Prince-Erickson  - FB pending.

David Ryan - has not read my message

Teresa Sheehey Datar - FB pending

Mary Ann Spellman Matos - has not read my message.

Cindy Wong Yen has not read my message

Lee Yee has not read my message.

I will start at the beginning of the list and do some new searching. 



RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Saturday, February 6, 2010 11:30 AM

Was able to do some searching this morning.  Here's the latest:


Judy Difiore (Gallauresi)--actually connected with Judy.  She will create a profile.



Annmarie Martinkus (MacIsaac) and FB


Kathy Phelan--found an address for her, I think.  Will send a note.

Edited 02/06/10 11:33 AM
RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Sunday, February 7, 2010 06:50 AM

Hi Mary,

Good job finding more classmates online.   Judy already set up a profile.

I am preparing a postal mailing that I will send out next weekend.  Will check in with you before I mail it to see who else you were able to contact for sure.  Anyone else that you sent invites to via internet but they still have not responded, will get a mail from me by post.  I have the alumni address list since I am alumni rep and I have been trying to keep it up to date in a timely manner.  The address you think you have for Kathy Phalen; is it email or did you mean post?   If you have a postal address for her,  please send it to me on private email so I can include Kathy in the postal mailing too.  If you also plan to send a note via post that is up to you but I definitely want to include her in the mailing I send out to all our missing classmates.

Will see you soon and at the first committee meeting I will take over the Search for Missing Classmates on anyone who remains since you will be busy with the location work.  Thanks. Joanna


RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:01 AM


17 Meetinghouse Rd
Acton, MA 01720
(978) 263-4489
This might be our Cathy Cadogan.  There's only one other Cathy Cadogan in Acton and that's a husband and wife with the last name Cadogan so it's obviously not her.
RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Friday, March 19, 2010 05:22 AM

I've sent out a number of postcards to addresses I found and believe are correct.  I am still working on the folks with common last names;  lee,  yee,  brown,  harris  and feel positive that I will be able to find people.    Just 1 post card has been returned  - Bet Wah Wong so I will search again for her address but I thought she was still in Brighton so if anyone in Brighton has stayed in touch with her, please send me a note with some details.  Also, if you are in touch with anyone who has yet to join the site and create a profile,  ask them if they would please assist our planning committee by joining this site so that I know we have the correct contact information and also to help us with a count of classmates who plan to attend the reunion. Thanks !


RE: SEARCH for Classmates BLOG
Posted Friday, March 19, 2010 08:33 AM

I am FB friends as of this week with Lana Harris, now Bishop.  I sent her a note to check out the website.