In Memory

Frank Shelton - Class Of 1942

Frank Shelton

Frank H. Shelton

Frank H. Shelton was born on October 4, 1924 in Flagstaff, Arizona and passed away at the age of 90 on November 27, 2014. He spent his childhood in Boulder City, Nevada.

Frank graduated from Caltech with a B.S., M.S. and PHD in Physics. As a nuclear physicist, he was employed at the Sandia Corp. in New Mexico and was involved in nuclear weapons tests in Nevada and the Pacific. Frank was the Deputy Technical Director for the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project at the Pentagon. He was a Defense Department atomic expert and was responsible for developing military requirements for atomic weapons and for conducting atomic tests. In Colorado Springs, he was Vice President and Chief Scientist for Kaman Sciences. He was also a consultant for ITT. In 1997, he was awarded the Life Time Achievement Award from the Defense Special Weapons Agency. He was a WWII Veteran.

Science and genealogy were his passions. He authored numerous books pertaining to nuclear weapons and genealogy. He was a complex and remarkable man.

Frank was preceded in death by his wife Lorene, daughter Jill and son-in-law Bob. He is survived by his daughters Joyce and Gwen and son-in-law Bob.

Donations may be made to the Human Society and the Nature Conservancy.

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Posting from Home Page during December 2014

In Memory of Frank Shelton, Class of 42.

There are many kids who grew up in Boulder City who made a big impact on the world and became a success.  Mary Jane Carter Smith (43) and Homer Olsen (42) have aquainted me with their classmate Frank Shelton from the first graduating  Class of 42.  I felt it was worth sharing their friendship and memories with you all.  He passed away last month.  His family posted a very nice obit which is in his Memory Page.  Homer was his best friend for 80+ years and had some stories about him in a book Homer wrote.  They are also on the Memory page.  

Coinsidently someone from the BC Historic Assoc. very recently posted a pic of him on facebook when he was a young boy in McKeeversville.   His father was a 31er and was an electrician on the Dam and died young. 

Frank went on from  BCHS to WWII then on  to Cal Tech and Amherst  and became a  nuclear physicist.  He went on to be the leading scientist on developement of atomic bombs, atomic testing and nuclear energy production.  He authored many books and films about nuclear issues.

I just wanted to point out this wonderful story of a BC kid, with apparant spartan beginnings, and invite you to read his Memory page.  A tab on the top left side of the home page.

Frank H. Shelton

  • "Frank was the man who offered me a job at Kaman Sciences..."
    - Charles Eklund
Frank H. Shelton was born on October 4, 1924 in Flagstaff, Arizona and passed away at the age of 90 on November 27, 2014. He spent his childhood in Boulder City, Nevada.

Frank graduated from Caltech with a B.S., M.S. and PHD in Physics. As a nuclear physicist, he was employed at the Sandia Corp. in New Mexico and was involved in nuclear weapons tests in Nevada and the Pacific. Frank was the Deputy Technical Director for the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project at the Pentagon. He was a Defense Department atomic expert and was responsible for developing military requirements for atomic weapons and for conducting atomic tests. In Colorado Springs, he was Vice President and Chief Scientist for Kaman Sciences. He was also a consultant for ITT. In 1997, he was awarded the Life Time Achievement Award from the Defense Special Weapons Agency. He was a WWII Veteran.

Science and genealogy were his passions. He authored numerous books pertaining to nuclear weapons and genealogy. He was a complex and remarkable man.

Frank was preceded in death by his wife Lorene, daughter Jill and son-in-law Bob. He is survived by his daughters Joyce and Gwen and son-in-law Bob.

Donations may be made to the Human Society and the Nature Conservancy.
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11/29/14 11:49 AM #1    

Jim Widner (1958)

What an incredible man we had among us...also a very dear and kind friend..he contributed his talents to us all and although it must have been time, I'm sorry he's gone from the world.

Frank and I went to Boulder City High School together and connected up again when he went to Cal Tech , while I went to Pasadena College.

Over the years we have shared so many of our memories together, I will miss him.

Posted for:

Mary Jane Carter Richey Smith, Class of 43

Eugene, Oregon

One more thing  ..  here is a picture of the first Student Body officers at BCHS, in 1942.   Mary Robertson, Frank Shelton, Bob Clark, Mary Jane Carter

12/02/14 02:00 PM #2    

Jim Widner (1958)

I'll always have a special place in my heart for Frank.

I have so many wonderful memories of him when we were growing up together in Boulder City, NV. I learned so much from him, and will miss him. My memories of Frank are happy ones, funny ones, kind ones—snapshots of generosity, wit and especially humor. We shared a paper route together, went on to college together, joined the Army together, got lost hiking down to the River together.

We have keep in close contact for the 72 years since high school. I will miss my pal but, will enjoy the memories we made together.

Posted for:

Homer J. Olsen - Class of 42

I'll always have a special place in my heart for Frank.

I have so many wonderful memories of him when we were growing up together in Boulder City, NV. I learned so much from him, and will miss him. My memories of Frank are happy ones, funny ones, kind ones—snapshots of generosity, wit and especially humor. We shared a paper route together, went on to college together, joined the Army together, got lost hiking down to the River together.

We have keep in close contact for the 72 years since high school. I will miss my pal but, will enjoy the memories we made together.

Homer J. Olsen - See more at:

12/11/14 02:47 PM #3    

Jim Widner (1958)

Here is an extract from a Book written by Homer Olsen , class of 42 "SKIDMARKS" .  These pages recount a meeting of old BCHS friends, Frank and Homer,  during the war.  With pics.

12/20/14 01:20 PM #4    

Jim Widner (1958)

08/24/20 01:19 PM #5    

Jim Widner (1958)

New reference to Frank Shelton by BC Historic Soc.    August 24/2020   jw   See Facebook for comments.

11/23/21 06:28 AM #6    

Jim Widner (1958)

Here is link  from a posting inviting visit to Frank's Memory Book  ..  posted 11/23/2021

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