In Memory

Brian Johnston VIEW PROFILE

From Facebook Post written in honor of a wonderful friend, husband, dad, brother, and son. Brian has always been the life of the party and today will be no exception! We will remember, laugh, and love as we recall all the times we shared with him! Brian will always be in our hearts and celebrate moments with us, just in a different way! Love you Brian!

June 25th , 2012

I can't stop thinking about you and about how much we are all missing you right now. The tears haven't stopped since I heard the tragic news. You were one of the most amazing people I have ever known. You were one of the most kind, selfess, generous, caring and all around wonderful people I will ever have the pleasure to have met. I wish I could have... told you how much you meant to me. You took me in when I needed a friend and you brought to my life a friendship that I will cherish forever. I will think of you with each day that goes by. Every time I hear Fergie or Alanis Morissette on the radio, I will be reminded of your happy, smiling face and all the great times we had together.

I will always think back fonldy to the times we would drive all around town together, listening to Movin 92.5. I never told you this, but I would always try to picture you back when you were in high school, dancing to those 90's dance hits. I tried to imagine what kind of dance moves you had back then, what you looked like out on the dance floor at a high school dance. It was a funny image. I always wished that we could have met sooner, so we could have gotten to have known each other for a longer time. Another thing that I never told you, I thought it was so cool that you worked for a florist when you were in high school. Who does that? Well, you did, and it was awesome of you.

I still remember the first time that I met you. It was at Donna and Don's house and you were in the backyard, pushing one of your girls on the swings. When I came over to introduce myself to you, you were so cool and casual. I thought to myself, I hope this guy likes me so that we can hang out sometime. You were my first mancrush. You were so friendly and had such a kind, heartwarming smile.

You always took care of the people around you. You always put others first before yourself. I will do my best in my life to keep your spirit alive by striving to be more like you. I will honor your life and what you meant to me and to all those who loved you by living up to the same values and beliefs that you had. You made my life better just by being in it. Though the pain in our hearts is great from losing you, it is nothing compared to the love that you gave to us.

Your Friend Always,


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