In Memory

John Lawson

In Loving Memory Of JOHN-HENRY LAWSON Aug. 14, 1954 – Sept. 8, 2003 John, it has been three years since that sad day that cancer took your too short life. Your funeral was standing room only. No eulogy was offered, but rarely does a man accomplish so much so noteworthy in 49 years. Born the second child and only son of Herbert and Harriet Lawson, John-Henry Lawson first appeared Aug. 14, 1954. As a boy he was, even at a young age, mechanically brilliant, a scout and a loving son and brother to his sisters, Jane and especially Susie Lawson Burpee. He had a love for and a way with animals, especially dogs, especially Buffy, but also Edgar, Dagmar and Christie, whom he spoiled lavishly. As a teen he began work at the Bangor Daily News and continued in the mail room for more than 30 years, almost always present and punctual, and a real friend to the crew there. John camped with his family from an early age at the Green Lake Tenting area and loved the animals and practiced scuba diving. When the chance came to buy, he happily jumped at it and maintained a wonderful family of campers with his mom and dad. John was a wonderful locksmith, starting his own Lawson’s Locksmithing, which continues to this day. He employed and trained Michele and Devin, who were both subsequently able to start their own shops, only because of John’s generous time. With his best friend and partner, Tom Bernardini, he taught himself locksmithing, security systems and became a master electrician. He provided a happy life for his elderly parents at the campground, working nights at the Bangor Daily News, days at Lawson’s, and weekends at the lake. He always found time to do for anyone who needed him and was generous to all. He married in his later years Kathleen Deluca-Rae, and never was a husband so loving, so compassionate, so generous, so helpful and knowledgeable, starting Kathy in Rae Realty Inc. He was a dad, as all kids dream, to Erik, Keegan and Hannah Rae, sharing with them his love and all the wonder of a childhood on Green Lake. He stood by Kathleen in serious illness until he succumbed to an untimely death from cancer. John, all who knew you loved and admired you, especially your wife and sister Susie.