In Memory

Jonathan Wurst VIEW PROFILE


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06/15/23 05:53 PM #1    

Elizabeth Mangino (Wallace)

I'm very sorry to hear that Jon passed away, although I found out recently he was suffering from pancreatic cancer. 

While attanding Hillside Jr High, Jon was my first boyfriend.  And coincidentally, in 1970 he married Diane Chippendale, who was one of my closest friends in high school.  I'll always remember Jon as a kind, very handsome man, with a good sense of humor and a great wrestler.  RIP Jon.  My condolences to his family.  

06/16/23 11:39 AM #2    

Linda Acaster

It's that time in our life when some of us will be passing to the next level and I was sorry to hear about the passing of Jonathan Wurst. He was my first crush in kindergarten in Mrs. Malley's class at Green Knoll school. He was the teacher's pet because he was so cute and well behaved. But I was out of luck because he chose Susan to be his girlfriend instead of me. Jonathan was a very handsome, athletic, upbeat person in the years that I knew him. Unfortunately we lost touch but I was happy to hear that he did have a good life and had his own business as a contractor for many years. My condolences to his family and his dogs who I'm sure will miss him greatly. RIP, Jonathan!

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