In Memory

Mike Havens

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03/07/08 06:27 PM #1    

Michele Butler (Seney)

Oh, Mike. I remember you well. You lived directly behind me and we shared a backyard. It was such a tragedy to lose someone so young. I wonder what you would've been like at our 20 year reunion.

03/12/08 01:41 PM #2    

Shae Roggendorff

I remember Mike was a good person with a good heart. RIP Mr. Havens.

03/19/08 02:08 PM #3    

Janet Greenwood (Varnell)

You are missed, in peace!

03/19/08 08:32 PM #4    

Chad Malone

Mike was a quality fella... we always planned on starting a band together but unfortunately never happened...
cheers to your memory brother...

06/19/08 01:07 PM #5    

Teri Bevacqua (French)

Mike & I shared a desk in one of our classes....where they had those big two seater desks. I was dating Jerry Patterson at the time and they were good friends so we hung out a lot back in the day. I remember going to class after his death and the seat being empty - it was heartbreaking. He was such a cool guy and was (and still is) deeply missed.

Rest in peace, my friend.

10/14/09 04:19 PM #6    

John Carter

Mike was in my 5th grade class at Oak Crest Elementary.

Although it's easy to look back and say how friendly and funny someone was, but in Mike's case it was true.

I lost track of him after 5th grade more or less, but every so often would hear something about him. I wish he hadn't died so young, because he was truly a great guy with big dreams.


04/12/12 11:21 AM #7    

Angie Bryant (Castellano)

His silk black hair, long legs, levis and cut off sleeves Metallica shirts. Long hours on the phone listening to him play nearly every metallica song of that time on his guitar. His best friend mike. Him playing a Huey Lewis song to me when he was mad at me. What a bad ass guitarist he surely would have been. Metal music lives in me because of him. Rocking on till we meet again. Nothing but love for him.

02/02/18 12:09 PM #8    

Tiffany Sherry (Merry)

I remember when I found out. Hit me hard. He and I hung out a lot. I missed him then and always will!

02/04/18 02:41 AM #9    

Andrew Bautista

I remeber that day. We both loved music and Metallica was the band. So random, what a loss. Miss ya my friend. RIP bro.

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