Shipmates no E-mail Address

If you know where these Shipmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Shipmate below you can click on the Shipmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Select Year you joined the Wilson. Guest Members are listed below.
Jake Allen (1952)
Victor Anderson (1962)
Ronald Andrews (1962)
James Andrus (1962)
Croucher Barry (1962)
Gary F. Batzlaff (1965)
Gary F. Batzlaff (1965)
Joe Beagen (1962)
Nelson Bradford (1962)
John Brady (1962)
Carl Brockmann (1962)
George Bruer (1962)
Harlan Burbridge (1962)
Raymond Busch (1962)
Spiros C (1962)
Douglas Cambell (1962)
Shirley Camden (1960)
Douglass Campbell (1962)
James Cervik (1962)
Robinson Jr Claud (1962)
Sutkus Clayton (1962)
Lott Clinton (1962)
George Cobel (1962)
Howard Colin (1962)
Howard Colin
William Crossley (1962)
Barry Croucher (1962)
Schroeder Dave (1962)
Floyd David (1962)
James Decker (1962)
Stribble Del (1962)
Donald Devault (1962)
Joseph Devlin (1962)
Harry Dietz Jr (1962)
Chick DiFRANCESCO (1962)
Rynerson d'Odus (1962)
John Dolan (1962)
McALISTER Douglas (1962)
Krohn Duane (1962)
Jack Eastwood (1963)
Robert Erredge (1962)
William Essary (1962)
Ray Farley (1962)
Robert Farmer (1962)
Edward Flavin (1962)
David Floyd (1962)
William Foley (1962)
Louis Forrisi (1962)
Lawrence Foster (1962)
Dimella Frederick (1962)
Paul Freudeman (1962)
Milo Fuller (1962)
Bill Gallant (1968)
Raymond Gauthier (1962)
Milton Geidl (1962)
Richard Gentry (1962)
Roy Gilliam (1962)
Hageman Glen (1962)
Hamrick Glen (1962)
Harold Goldsberry Jr (1962)
Michael Grady (1962)
Carl Grassl (1962)
Sepella Gregory (1962)
Steve Grow (1962)
Glen Hageman (1962)
Meador Hal (1962)
George Hamrick (1962)
Glen Hamrick (1962)
Frank Hart (1962)
James Haymond (1962)
William Heflin
Donna Herter (Bherter@verizon. Net)
Hansel Hester (1962)
Don Hicks (1962)
William Hoek (1962)
William Harold Holbert (1967)
Dennis Howard (1962)
Meinweiser Hugh (1962)
Robert Jackson (1962)
Paul Jaros (1962)
Henry Jaskulski (1962)
Beagen Joe (1962)
Podskoch Joe (1962)
Ben Johnson (1962)
James Johnson (1962)
Lee Jueth (1962)
James Keller (1962)
James Kelly (1960)
Ray Kmetz (1962)
Art Kohn (1962)
Art Kohn (1962)
Duane Krohn (1962)
Vincent Lamanna (1962)
John Lampinen (1962)
Warren Leary Jr (1962)
Shaffer Leon (1962)
Frank Little (1962)
Gene Lopshire (1960)
Clinton Lott (1962)
Forrisi Louis (1962)
Mackay Malcolm (1962)
Edward Mankoski (1962)
William Manuel (1962)
Ronald Markham (1962)
Nicholas Martin (1962)
Theresa Martin (Tlmart@verizon. Net)
Paul Mauldin (1962)
Todd Maxwell (1962)
John McAFEE (1962)
Douglas McALISTER (1962)
Robert McMullen (1962)
Hal Meador (1962)
Hugh Meinweiser (1962)
John Menges (1962)
Lewis Miller (1962)
Richard Molinari (1962)
L Murray (1962)
Chris Nelms (Searobin2@verizon. Net)
Leslie O'Brien (1962)
Donald Ordway (1962)
James OUTLAW, Jr. (1962)
Guy Page (1962)
Robert Papin (1962)
Charles Papio (1962)
Milton Patterson (1962)
Hayes Peter (1962)
Donald Peters (1962)
George Plesa (1962)
Joe Podskoch (1962)
LeRoy Ralph Poole (1963)
Bearden Preston (1962)
Jack Prise (1962)
George Prutting (1962)
Robert Reese (1962)
Gary Register (1963)
Omer Register (1962)
Harry Renninger (1962)
George Reynolds (1962)
Don Robertson (1962)
Claud Robinson Jr (1962)
Robert Roche (1962)
Efren Romero (1962)
Ben Rosenstein (1962)
Donald Russell (1962)
Joseph Ryan (1962)
Jim Sarden (1963)
Dave Schroeder (1962)
Charles Secrist (1962)
Gregory Sepella (1962)
John Shaffer (1962)
Lee Shaffer (1962)
Zudekoff Sherman (1962)
Stephen Skrah (1962)
Dan Smith (1962)
Siliceo Socrates (1962)
C Spiros (1962)
Rodney Squibb (1962)
Harold Stone (1962)
Del Stribble (1962)
James Supina (1961)
John Surrette (1962)
Gary Tate (1962)
Harold Tellefsen (1962)
Stokes Thomas (1962)
John Thrappas (1962)
John Tomberlin
Halvorsen Tristone (1962)
Joe Usher (1962)
Nick Valerio (1962)
Michael Valko (1962)
Charles Viney (1962)
Dick W (1962)
Thompson W (1962)
Horton W. A. (1962)
Michael Walsh (1962)
W Ward (1962)
Richard Warren (1962)
Stengle Watkins (1962)
Harold Watson (1960)
Haverland Wayne (1962)
Jerry Wells (1962)
Robert Wentworth (1962)
Howard Whitlock (1962)
Herbert Whitney (1962)
Christopher Willis
John Alden Willis
Robert Wilson (1962)
Gates Winthrop (1962)
Midgett Z (1962)
Michael Zayatz (1962)

Guest Members

Margaret Loomis
