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07/15/08 01:17 PM #7    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

OMG! Hey Boucher (pronounced "Booooooker")!!!!!! I've thought about you often since graduation. Hope you're doing well
It would be so freakin' awesome if you can make it. I would LOVE to catch up! Just promise me that you will remember to bring the mace should you decide to hitchhike, k? :-)

07/26/08 04:01 AM #8    

Derek Zecher

Wow, amazing how socially awkward I still feel after 20 years. Don't know what to say.
Like the website a lot. This could be pretty cool if more people participate. -Derek

08/02/08 09:53 PM #9    

Kim Boericke (Frazier)

Hi Everyone!

Sorry, I just figured this out too. We just got back for 2 weeks of vacation. It was great having some good family time. It is also nice to be back home again. I'm really looking forward to the reumion and catching up with so many of you!


08/06/08 10:18 AM #10    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

I totally get the feeling of "social awkwardness" when it comes to this kind of thing. I have appreciated working on the committee for this reason. I also know from previous classes that using a "chat room" (such as this) prior to the actual scary face-to-face reunion can help make things easier and more relaxed then. Hint, hint to any of you who may want to chime in!
I can't wait to see all of you. Let's make this the best 20th reunion EVER! We've always kicked butt as a class in the past (I know that we totally showed up Brian's class) Let's do it again!

Lots of Love!

08/19/08 08:44 PM #11    

Robert Henderson

OK Roscoe, Bring white powdered donuts for early am studying...How did you get in the dorm at 3:00am anyway. Can't wait to see you all. Does the academy have GPS because my ankle bracelet has to have a range of 50 miles from the nearest airport......

If we really wanted to get osama we would have..I am a republican but mcCain, really boys and girls...SO are we we going to sing the class song. Eagles fly or what?
Chow for now.


08/27/08 12:24 PM #12    

Peter Stebbing

Well, hello all. Can't wait to see everyone. Can't believe that it has been 20 years!

08/28/08 07:10 PM #13    

Tania Rhodes

Class song sounds like fun. How 'bout Wind Beneath My Wings? Goes with the "Eagles Fly" theme. Maybe we could do an improve dance performance at the same time. : )

Thanks everyone for setting this all up.

Look forward to seeing you folks soon.

Rob, why Republican? Just curious.

08/29/08 09:42 AM #14    

Robert Henderson

The economics of it all....NOT FOR THE WAR DON"T WORRY!!!!!! But things change as this county has and McCain isn't a republican, he is a lone wolf....

09/03/08 11:39 PM #15    

Tania Rhodes

Thanks for your response Rob. I know that politics can be a touchy subject. I'm just always curious about what makes someone chose one side or another. I have friends on many sides and always find the different perspectives interesting.

Also interested since John McCain is our senator. There was a rumor at one point that Obama was going to chose our Governor (Napolitano) as his running mate. But nope.

Look forward to seeing you in October.

09/08/08 10:21 PM #16    

Brannon Smith

I just got my first E-mail today. Thanks. So I am late with everything including paying. Whats new. I have been late all my life and I kind of enjoy it. You don't have to wait around for things to start happening they already are. I have to loose 40 or so pounds by the reunion so I will get started tomorrow (P90X) don't you know. Where's Mikey Grub?

09/09/08 09:21 AM #17    

Tania Rhodes

hey brannon,

I like the term "more to love". See you soon : )

09/09/08 04:05 PM #18    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

Ok first some clarification... Is Eagles Fly the same as "Fly Eagles Fly" (the Phily Eagles theme song) I know that one, but as for remembering our class song? Does anyone have the sheet music? I'm sure that we could figure it out! I seem to remember it being really pretty at the time....

Secondly, Brannon, I am so happy that you finally decided to join us! Don't worry about being late. You're not alone.

Politics.... not going there!!!!!

And as for needing to lose 40 pounds. I think that there are a number of people who are thinking that you're not alone there either. I even heard that one classmate has picked up jogging!!!!! If anyone comes up with the lose 50 pounds in one month thing let me know!!!

I can't believe that it's actually only a month away. Man we're old!

09/09/08 04:10 PM #19    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

AND another thing, Rob... just make sure that your ankle bracelet doesn't interfere with the reception of mine, k?

09/10/08 12:08 AM #20    

Jessica Grubb

hi brannon, I don’t think mikey knows about this website. derek, does he? i'm hoping he'll come to the reunion as my date.

tania, thanks for asking about the touchy subjects, those are the most interesting!

09/11/08 09:14 PM #21    

Elissa Heinrichs

Hey guys!

Don't worry about the bracelets. I know a local attorney who will provide pro bono representation if you need it...

09/11/08 11:13 PM #22    

Dain Kistner

At one point I still had the sheet music to 'Like an Eagle' - our 8th grade class song! - tucked away in a drawer somewhere...will bring it if I can find it.

I think it would be a blast to try singing our graduation song if anyone has the sheet music - maybe at the Cairnwood event, after a substantial amount of liquid courage? ;)

09/12/08 03:05 PM #23    

Derek Zecher

I see Mike Grubb on a regular basis. I'm still working on getting him to the reunion. Let's just say that he is not a big fan of the Academy and he chooses to lead a very simple lifestyle (and not hold a full time job). I think he'll be there in the end but don't expect him to commit to anything more than 72 hours in advance. -Derek

09/14/08 08:15 PM #24    

Brannon Smith

Now just to throw a little fuel on the fire. Last reunions big rumors were that Judson fell out out of a tree in a rain forest and died. Obviously not true. And Lowrey joined a monestary or somthing. Any others I forgot?

09/15/08 11:14 AM #25    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

Hey thanks, Elissa! From what I hear she's pretty good, too! :-)

09/15/08 07:18 PM #26    

Heather McCurdy

Okay. I am listening now too. Hello everyone.

09/16/08 01:56 PM #27    

Jessica Dreifert (Cole)

Well, finally clicked on the message forum tab and what do you know! Hey, looking forwards to seeing everyone over charter day.

09/17/08 01:55 PM #28    

John Roscoe

Hello everyone, I feel Brans pain of losing 40lbs. I had lost 40lbs but then got my wife pregnant and gained 30 back. As for politics I too will not go there unless someone provokes me.I think I have the sheet music from our sr class song. I agree that I cannot believe it's almost here. I just got the total on our class gift so far and it looks good. See ya later

09/18/08 08:37 AM #29    

Dain Kistner

Gotta love YouTube! Here's that 8th grade graduation song I was remembering:

09/18/08 09:05 AM #30    

Becky Rogers (Henderson)

Oh that is TOO funny!!!!! I totally remember the song now, Dain! Thank you so much. I have to admit that it took me a couple of minutes to determine that it wasn't actually OUR class singing it!!!

Too, too funny.

09/22/08 02:40 PM #31    

Robert Henderson

Just caught up on emails. So is blythe still riding horses, she better show up because the olympics are over and didn't see her in the medal section. LOSE WEIGHT!!! STOP DRINKING POP!! It is so bad for you. Brannon and I still haven't paid.

Judson didn't fall out of a tree, brannon just was so loaded he don't remember a thing.


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