In Memory

Shane Woods

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05/13/09 03:04 PM #1    

Angie Moses (Ashby)

I will always remember Shane in typing class. He was always making me laugh and we would always "race" to see who could type faster. I was fortunate to sit next to him all year! God Bless you Shane. May your spirit be with us at the reunion!

Your typing buddy~ Angie Moses Ashby

06/27/09 05:51 PM #2    

Emilie Wilson (Grabowski)

I was wondering about Shane... see with our last names beginning in W we sat by each other in class alot! He was constantly teasing me and would always make me laugh when ever I had to get up and walk to the front of the class. He was such a goofball! I hope his days on this earth were filled with nothing but goodness. RIP

07/21/09 03:49 PM #3    

Katie Ott (Cook)

When I saw that Shane had passed, I was taken aback. He was my first real kiss and first steady date. (sorry to embarrass you Shane)He made me feel important. I was very shy and he was kind. I've always felt that my 8th grade and my junior year were favorites and it's because of Shane that my 8th grade was. He will never know the confidence he gave me that year. One never knows how they affect a person. Even in short moments together, whether an hour or 12 years, lives can be changed or shifted. Thanks Shane. God bless you, man.

07/23/09 06:13 PM #4    

Sean Pahut

Shane was a great kid, even though he only called me by my last name, ;) he always took time to joke around. He will be missed.

07/29/09 01:50 PM #5    

DeeDee Ortega (Thurmond)

Shane was so funny. He used to keep me in stiches. When we brokeup he asked for his mizpaw back. I said I lost it. I lied. I still have it. Hope your looking down laughing and saying "I knew it!"
I will miss you.

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