In Memory

Shad "Mitch" Foster

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04/23/09 10:09 PM #1    

Rich Satterthwaite

"Red headed step child" Mitch was always full of life. Some of the best times were Friday and Saturday night cruising up and down the strip. Mitch could be seen driving his father’s cherry red Chevy pickup. After graduating Mitch, Larry Grinner and myself all met up at March AFB (now closed) and drank reminiscing about high school. He will be missed but as an airman and military veteran....he is missed but NEVER forgotten!

04/24/09 02:08 PM #2    

Ken Lane

Mitch and I were attatched at the "Hip," almost from the time he moved here from Idaho and moved in to Kossuth st. During Elementary school at Whittier. If you ever wanted to find us we were always hanging out talking about when we grow up we both wanted to be Lawyers and Play Professionaly for the Lakers, but when we weren't dreaming we were playing basketball and hanging out with friends in our neighborhoods. Dana Emerson, Brandon Forman, Tara Orizotti, and Judd his Little brother. his older Brothers would challenge us in Basketball or Football and school us in their backyard or on their court.
In 5th Grade our Basketball season, our Coach Quit, the first day! We went into Mr Parret the Principal and he told us if we want to play we would had to find a Coach. We did just that, with our little patience at the time, we as a team went out on the street and bothered every man that we thought might be interested in coaching us. We finally talked to a guy in blue toyota landcruiser. His name was Mike Merrick, so Mike went in and talked to Mr Parret and he became our coach.
On the team(s)5th and 6th Grade if my memory serves me correct was Mitch Foster, Shawn Rohert, Chris Rupert, Jim Brown, Bryant Black, D.J. Patrick, Jeff King, David Luety, and Myself.
The 5th grade season we did good we made it to Finals, but in 6th we won!!! CITY CHAMPS on the 6th Grade B Team!!! Mitch and I were the Guards on the teams. We remained friends but as we went to East we gained other good friends but always remained GOOD FRIENDS through out the years!!
When I found out that Mitch had passed I was in the Army stationed out of Montana. I was saddened and immediately remembered from the first Day I met Mitch to the most recent memory of Mine and Mitch's Friendship and how much it meant to me!
He will be Very Much Missed!! He is definately someone from my past friends I would be Honored to introduce Him to My Three Girls and share with them How Many Fun Times We Had as Kids!!!
Your Good Childhood Friend Ken Lane
When I Get to Heaven to Meet up with you again, Mitch! We will play Basketball against whoever wants to Challenge Us!!!

07/24/09 06:33 PM #3    

Ed Stergar

My buddy Mitch......It is really hard to put into words how much I miss you! Whether it was tramp dunking in your driveway, runnin Ole Red up and down Harrison and rappin those pipe under the 15/90 overpass, home run derby in Kossuth St. or tearin up Soylands FURY. We had some times that I will cherish and take with me forever. Mitch was just one of those guys that you wanted to hang with, nothing was every taken too serious and he always kept it light. He was a core member of the Noiz Boyz!! Smiles all the time and just a great friend, my best friend.

He taught me how to steelhead fish and hunt some. When we weren't flipping the truck! There are so many things and memories that he was a part of, I truly miss you pal! You are always with me. Cast one to those big steelies in the sky!!!

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