Classmate Profiles (1978)

     User has created a profile: 9
     Profile contains photos: 2
     In Memory: 1
     Military Service: 2
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Carl Allums
Judy Barcroft (Sayers)  
Carleen Battle
Thomas Braxton  
Thomas James Brooks
Ruth Callejas-Moreno (Call…)    
Richard Carpenter   
Robert Carpenter
Johnny Carstens    
Lee Charnock
Linda Etz (Wheatley)   
Thomas Haskins
Jacqueline Holder
Lynette Holder (Joynes)   
Donna Lemon
Cynthia Lewis
Timothy Merritt
Karen Miles
Teresa Moore (Jones)   
Evelyn Richards
Stella Roehm
Carolyn Taylor
Diane Vandenbosch
Elizabeth (Lisa) Wendell (Harman)   
Amy Wilkins
Arlene Wilson (Bell)
Paula Wynder (Jones)    

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