Reunion Night!!!

View the reunion night photos in the Photo Galleries Page.

Pat Grady created a couple of quizzes and a couple of crossword puzzles for us to play on the reunion evening. Here is the first of 4. Keep checking back for the others.

See how many you can get right!  Answers will follow in a couple of days.   Hint: Some of these people didn't actually graduate with us, so check out the guest list in the "Classmate Profiles".

Class of 1971  Who Are They:

     1.    We all looked up to him 

      2.    Same last name as a US President

3.    (2) Cheer leaders
4.    Lived in a home now considered an historic landmark
5.    The Annual editor & Service Club President
6.    “Sexy”
7.    ASB President, Student Council President, & Valedictorian
8.    A man with (2) last names
9.    Our Senior Class President
10.  She got her man, yes siree Bob!
11.   Our Junior Class President
12.   NOT related to the math teacher…..
13.   Earned varsity football letter as a freshman
14.   NOT a “bad woman”
15.   Sophomore homecoming princess
16.   (3) of the same vowels in the first name
17.   Freshman homecoming princess
18.   If it wasn’t easy it was ________
19.  Homecoming Queen
20.   Almost “an” Haugan
21.    Junior homecoming princess
22.     Never had to “go” grocery shopping
23.    Earned varsity baseball letter as a freshman
24.   She’s NOT the missing one
25.     (3) band members that played at sock hops
26.      Spy comics
27.    Freshman Class President
28.   Our Salutatorian, transferred her senior year from Redmond
29.     “Wheels”
30.    Was our southern most living, female class member
31.    Loves his chunky peanut butter sandwiches
32.     Was our northern most living, male class member
33.  Our Senior Class VP
34.   “Harvy”
35.   Homecoming King
36.     Was our southern most living, male class member
37.    Classmate with the most siblings
38.    Our Sophomore Class President
39.   (5) Senior class varsity basketball players
40.    Pep Club President
41.   The (3) members of the “Scrounging Society”
42.   Alphabetically first classmate
43.   Alphabetically last classmate
44. Producers of the Tolt Hi Life comic strip
45.   Drum Major
46.   “Carrot Top”
47.  Female class member with the shortest last name
48.       2 male class members with the shortest last name
49.    (2) female class members with the longest last name
50.    (2) male class members with the longest last name
51.     The son of a preacher man
52.      Freshman homecoming prince
53.      Jack & Jill went up one
54.      From Sultan but not “insultan”
55.       Same last name as Shirley Temple’s most famous movie
56.        His brother was Harry
57.        He is the missing link
58.       What they do at the Pike Place Market…………add….. er
59.   The one and only Mc (non-fat)
60.         Last name is NOT an “unreasonable woman”
61.         “Cougar call”
62.         Same last name as the President of the Confederacy, the one that didn’t graduate with us
63.         The “bird” woman
64.         The Jokester from Sunnyside
65.          (2) ll’s (2) Tt’s & (2) oo’s
66.          Must have in a relay race
67.         Our first classmate in Memorial
68.         Same last name as a famous piano
69.        The “firstling of the flock”
70.         Last name sounds like a place to go fishing
71.           He developed good judgment
72.           He is the Ag man

Class 1971 "Who are they" answers:

1.       John McKinnie

2.       Bryan Carter

3.       Sue DeBoer  Laurie Ducken

4.       Patty Chambers

5.       Sandy Wandler

6.       Lexie Davis

7.       Chris Dalla Pozza

8.       Tom Waiton Druzianich

9.       Mick Haugan

10.   Linda Fisher

11.   Chris Dalla Pozza

12.   Valerie Gibbs

13.   Jim Duke

14.   Nancy Goodman

15.   Patty Engle

16.   Eugene Gotcher

17.   Laurie Ducken

18.   Dale Harder

19.   Joleen George

20.   Cheryl Haug

21.   Chris Dalla Pozza

22.   Paula Hill           

23.   Pat Grady        

24.   Judy Link

25.   Mike Sunitch, Jeff Harvold, Pat Grady

26.   Gordon Maggs

27.   Bob Kosters

28.   Kathleen Krauss

29.   Ted Morris

30.   Marcie Peterson  

31.   Don Manning

32.   Randy Trim 

33.   Tony Rathbone

34.   Jeff Harvold

35.   Jerry Sinnema

36.   Don McQuigg

37.   Laura Rush

38.   Mike Sunitch

39.   Les Humphrey, Jerry Sinnema, Rick Doe, Jeff Harvold, Neal Coy

40.   Connie Emler

41.   Duke, Doe & Grady

42.   Brenda Anderson

43.   Paul Zucati

44.   Jeff & Jerry

45.   Mark Bidon

46.   Randy Trim

47.   Sharon Fay

48.   Rick Doe, Neal Coy

49.   Chris Dalla Dozza, Dianna Fehrenbach

50.   Tom Druzianich, Dave Poindexter

51.   John McKinnie

52.   Bob Kosters

53.   Paula Hill

54.   Diane Anderson

55.   Susan Heide

56.   Randy Trim

57.   Stan Link

58.   Chuck Fisher

59.   John McLean

60.   Jim Fairman

61.   Elmon Potter

62.   Connie Davis 

63.   Robyn Meligan

64.   Don Bergquist

65.   Rob Tillotson

66.   Paul Batton

67.   Wally Shockley

68.   Steve Baldwin

69.   Pat Walen

70.   Elizabeth Worf

71.   Fred Zimmerman

72.   Pat Walen

