In Memory

Susan Haas (Frostad)

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03/04/12 12:55 PM #1    

Kaye Hufsmith (Hunt)

Susie moved onto Chestnut Street when she was nine years old, and I was immediately drawn to her irrepressible spirit, sense of humor,and ebullient nature. We became fast friends; in fact, I have almost no childhood memories that don't include her. My deep and abiding love of the Tetons, which she and I shared, began when I went camping with her family on Jackson Lake. We lost touch for awhile when she moved to Washington, and I went to school in Oregon then moved to California. But when I moved back to Casper, and she came to visit her parents, the friendship was re-cemented, stronger than ever. We found that nothing had really changed; we were still the two fun-loving, joyful people we had been as children. We rejoiced in the renewed friendship. (An example of her irrespressible spirit:  when she was 50, the police caught her TPing someone's house! :)  We vacationed together, and sometimes talked on the phone three times a day. Her diagnosis of cancer and her death were devastating. I still miss her every day, but am so very thankful for the time that we had together. And I am comforted by the fact that she did have a wonderful life:  a loving husband who was her best friend, two children and four grandchildren. 

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