In Memory

Sharon Cramer (Miller)

From cancer.

We were informed of her passing by Rayelynn Reed (Dady).

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08/06/21 09:24 AM #1    

Christine Bowen (Hickman)

Sharon-What can I say that will express how very much I miss you?  Ever since the first day I met you at Douglas County Junior high we were bonded like we were stuck together with super glue.  You could finish my thoughts and words before they were even out of my mouth and I could do the same for you. After we graduated, we sometimes went years without seeing each other but when we got back together it was like a day had not even passed. We shared those miserable years of teenage anxiety and still managed to have lots of side splitting laughter and fun.   You were my sister soul mate and I look forward to seeing  you again someday.  Till then-take good notes about what is going on so you don't forget to tell me about something and never forget just how much I love you girl.  

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