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In Memoriam

Ma. Jossie Semilla (GHS) - Class Of 1979

Ma. Jossie Semilla (GHS)

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Eternal rest grant unto MA. JOSSIE ‘JOY’ BACALAN SEMILLA, O Lord & let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace in your loving care O Lord & welcome her to Paradise. We pray also for her Family & Friends, comfort & strengthen them during this sad time. In Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.


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Our deepest & heartfelt condolences to the Family of MA. JOSSIE ‘JOY’ BACALAN SEMILLA on her passing last night, 27 December 2019. May JOY's beautiful soul rest blissfully in peace in heaven with our Creator. We share the Family’s pain & sorrow & we are always there with you praying for comfort & strength. Farewell, JOY. ðŸŒ¹


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