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In Memoriam


Val Espina


Together with Val's wife & sisters, I was at the bedside reading Psalms... While his sister & I was singing the song "Lord I Give You My Heart, I Give You My Soul..." our classmate and dear friend, Dr. VAL S. ESPINA expired and returned to his Creator today - August 26, 2011 at 1:25am (PH time).  You can see Val's face at peace with our Lord. 


Thanks to all our friends and classmates who always offered prayers for Val.  GOD bless us all.


Eternal rest grant unto Val oh LORD, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  Let Val rest in peace...Amen!”


Val passed away at 1:25 am today (August 26, 2011). God’s will be done. Please pray for the repose of his soul. If possible, offer a candle for Val in your parish this weekend.

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26/08/11 05:29 PM #2    

Cielomar Chua

 To All,
This is indeed sad, and so hard to comprehend. I have been following the events through your email strings and I had been hoping for the best.
Please send my most sincere condolences to Val's family.
May Val rest in peace.
Cesar Piezas

26/08/11 05:40 PM #3    

Cielomar Chua


Heard about the very sad sad news on Val!


Pls extend our sincere condolence to his wife and family.


May he rest in peace. God's will be done always!!


Paulino Escudero




26/08/11 05:48 PM #4    

Cielomar Chua

 Oh my God! 4 Val I pray take him to your Kingdom!


Mrs Lorna V. Carteciano

26/08/11 08:54 PM #5    

Cielomar Chua

This is really sad.  Especially so for us who were with Val in the reunion last June.  Still fresh in our minds was the fun we had enjoying each other’s company.  And now we have to bear the sad news about Val’s passing.


We pray that  Val has found peace and rest eternal.   God is good.


My deep condolences to Val’s family.


Nono Ybud

27/08/11 09:10 AM #6    

Cecil Abrea


You are a good classmate and a friend. Everytime I visit Cebu you are there for me. I have a driver who is a surgeon! I remember one time I called long distance to inform you that I was going home to PI. I can't get hold on all your contact nos until I decided to dial your work no. I did not know that the lady connected me to the OR dept. Then d lady in d OR who answered d phone, knowing that it was a long distance call, grab your attention to take the call. It was a good 20 minutes of conversation and suddenly you just remember that a patient was waiting in the OR for a procedure! That's how genuine of a friend you are. You almost forgot your patient but not me. LOL! Anyways, that day you had a succesful surgery procedure done to your patient. But I am still in denial phase why a good physician can end up losing his life like this?

"Those whom the Lord has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy; They will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee." Isaiah 51:11

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also maybe. Where I am going you know the way." John 14: 1-4

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38

Val thank you so much for everything, your true friendship!  May God give Alice and the family the courage and strenght to persevere in this life's journey! May HE give us all the divine knowledge, wisdom and understanding beyond human belief!

Cecil Abrea

27/08/11 09:27 AM #7    

Rene Buagas

 I am saddened to hear Val's passing. Please send me my heartfelt condolences to Val's family. He'll be in my prayers.

27/08/11 12:14 PM #8    

Leo Mallari

Please pass along to Val's family our deepest condolence in these very difficult times.  May his soul rest in peace.

27/08/11 06:48 PM #9    

Cielomar Chua

Condolence and prayers to Vals family.

Allan Acampado

28/08/11 02:03 PM #10    

Reuben MuaƱa

rest in peace, Val. heartfelt condolences to your family. 

30/08/11 09:47 AM #11    

Cielomar Chua

I feel so sorry and so sad for the passing of Val. He will be remembered as a good friend, classmate and neighbour in Mabolo. It is so hard to believe that he is gone. My sincere sympathies to his family and friends.



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