In Memory

Jo Ann Atwater

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05/24/11 06:35 PM #1    

Rhonda Jackson (White)

I really miss Jo Ann.  I just remember that from the time I knew her, which was 7th grade, she always seemed to be more mature than the rest of us.  Love you Jodi, as her mom use to call her.




06/03/11 08:00 AM #2    

Joe Pardington

I remember Jo Ann as a good student, a good person, and a good speaker at our graduation. I'm sorry to hear of her passing.

06/05/11 09:12 PM #3    

Nancy Lloyd (Ray)

Jo Ann and I went to school together going back to Carrboro Elementary School.  Jo Ann was such a sweet, smart person.  She was always very kind and I never remember her doing anyone wrong.  She was just a nice person all around. 

06/09/11 12:08 PM #4    

Karen Nassif (Tyner)

Jo Ann was such a sweet person.  I am sorry to hear of her passing.  Very sad news.

06/14/11 09:17 PM #5    

Anna Ellis (Llewellyn)

Jo Ann, her twin sister Donna and I were in the same Brownie (scout) Troop together. My mom was the troop leader.  I loved to play at their house. Their mom was lovely. Jo Ann was super smart and kind and beautiful. She and Donna were very happy young girls. I attended her funeral, it was standing room only. She was loved by many.

07/02/11 01:42 PM #6    

Gwen Farrington (Fleming)

Such a wonderful person inside and out.  I truly miss her!  We met when we were in elementary, didn't attend the same elementary, but my grandmother lived down the street from her parents.  We shared so many good times through the years, even as young adults we shared an apartment for six months.  Once those six months were up, I moved around the corner in the same complex.  Those memories will always be cherished. I will never forget when my husband couldn't attend Lamaze class with me and she filled in, and afterwards told me how I had slept through the whole Lamaze class.  We laughed about that when I was in labor, and didn't remember to do anything from Lamaze, (Wonder why?) I just can't express how much she is missed by me...  

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