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How Guests Can Join

Welcome to The Class of '66 Website

If you have friends in the Class of 1966 and would like to join our website, here is all you need to do.

  • First, you may want to take a look at the First Time Visitors page on the website. 
  • Go to the Classmates Profile page, find the search box and enter a few letters of your first or last name. 
  • If your name shows up, click on it and go to B.
  • If your name does not appear, go all the way to the bottom of the page and click on this box


  • Follow the instructions on the Member Wizard and complete your profile.
  • When your profile is complete, go back to the Classmate Profiles page, enter your name in the search box and look at your completed profile.
  • If your profile is not there, or if you cannot access the site, contact Stan Maupin at smaupin@accelrva.com or 804-986-1403.

 If you have any questions, just Contact Us.


