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2018 will be 50 years

Created on: 03/13/15 04:56 PM Views: 154 Replies: 5
2018 will be 50 years
Posted Friday, March 13, 2015 04:56 PM

In just a few years, we celebrate our 50th year since graduatiing. In 1968, 50 years in the future seemed like an etirnity. Now it seems like a few years ago. Has anybody started to think about a reunion?

RE: 2018 will be 50 years
Posted Friday, March 13, 2015 05:43 PM

I've been getting quite a few inquiries about this lately, Walter.  Indeed, some of us are thinking about the 50th Reunion and agree it might be time to start planning it.  What a milestone! Since our website will likely be a primary communication source for it, it would sure be nice to find more of our missing classmates and get them to sign up as members!  If anyone can help with that, we'd sure appreciate it!  John Richards - what are your thoughts?

Elaine Rock,
Website Administrator

RE: 2018 will be 50 years
Posted Friday, March 13, 2015 07:24 PM




"In just a few years, we celebrate our 50th year since graduatiing. In 1968, 50 years in the future seemed like an etirnity. Now it seems like a few years ago. Has anybody started to think about a reunion?"

It would be really helpful if everyone who is already on this site could reach out in the near future, to friends and classmates they are in contact with who aren't on this site yet to see if they want to join the fun!
This would eliminate a lot of committee contact work that always has to be done before the next reunion rolls around, and would give the committee a real  head start!

Thanks to Elaine's hours and hours and hours of personally donated time to get this thing up and running, we have such a great resource to keep in touch, and also to make the committee's job so much easier in terms of getting the word out about upcoming events. Maybe we could all be looking for classmates to add?

And thanks Elaine once again, for adding this cool new feature to the site. It will be a lot of fun!

RE: 2018 will be 50 years
Posted Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:53 AM

50 years...never thought I'd see the day! (I know, one of the Bruns boys will say I'm projecting.) Many of us have hit that magic number of 65, but a few lagards won't hit it until September, even December! (I believe there was at least one of our peers who is that "young"!) But even scarier is that we will be 67-68 by the time this next reunion rolls around! Wheelchair derby anyone? Frisbee golf with golf carts? Rent a Spa for mineral and mud baths for our aching bones?

Really, I have been thinking about it, but haven't come up with any brilliant ideas yet (previous paragraph excluded.) Perhaps a brainstorm meeting might be helpful. It would be nice to get some feedback from those of you who are "remote", but now that you are all retiring will finally be able to attend one of our fun parties!

RE: 2018 will be 50 years
Posted Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:29 PM

Hey, John Richards, I'm one of the laggards!  Won't be 65 until the nearly the very end of December. ( I am SO looking forward to trading in my current group insurance for Medicare + supplemental + "D", which should save a coupla hundred a month.  Yay!)

I didn't make it to a reunion until the "60th" picnic, which was a blast.  And amazing.  Who knew?

I do hope that we have another one...I'm not much on the dining-dancing, wear-a-dress kind of thing since I changed careers and then retired (but looking for the next gig, I must say), but I certainly do love to see people and to talk and catch up.  So there's my vote: let's have a reunion.  Even my darling spouse had a good time at the last one.

Hello to everyone, especially Dianze Glaze (who I saw at the picnic) and to Julie Hall (who I've been in touch with.)  Anyone ever hear from Claire Goldsworthy?  I see she is still among the missing classmates.


RE: 2018 will be 50 years
Posted Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:14 AM

I would also like to see a "relaxed dress" type of reunion.  Being retired, I've put those high heels away forever!