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Forum: Our Veterans


Our Veterans

Created on: 05/23/15 10:10 AM Views: 81 Replies: 1
Our Veterans
Posted Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:10 AM

I liked the tribute to our veterans.  They are all very deserving and I would like to add my own "thank you" for their service.  My husband (Michael Woodhouse) served in the Vietnam war, and thankfully came home safe and sound.  He was in the Naval Air Force and ran missions over the waters surrounding Vietnam, watching for Russian ships carrying supplies to the North Vietnamese.

RE: Our Veterans
Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2015 01:04 AM

Very nice tribute Susan!  In case anyone would like to sign this petition, on Memorial Day I started a White House Petition to ask the present administration to take up the cause of the re-organizing the Veteran's Administratioin system which is long overdue. I hope everyone will sign and share. It needs 100,000 signatures by June 24th to get any action at all.


