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Forum: 50th Reunion Chatter


Friday, October 12 plans

Created on: 10/09/18 01:57 PM Views: 101 Replies: 1
Friday, October 12 plans
Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2018 01:57 PM

Are you READY?

First off, there is a tour of the campus planned. Please enter the parking lot near the Gym around 3:30. The Principal, Dr. Tim Guy, will take us around the campus, explaing the Charter School status and the Academy format they now use; it is a very good concept, and takes them away from the "teach to the test" curriculum a lot of schools and students suffer with these days.

Second, we are hoping to pin  down a restaurant that could accomadate 20-30 or more for dinner prior to the football game. Some have suggested Las Toros on Devonshire, but then complain that it is too noisy for conversation. Another suggestion is Stars Drive-in, located at 20445 Sherman Way (northeast on SW, E of Mason), Canoga Park, and it has a room for 20-30 people. The third (?) option is El Torrito, 8855 Tampa, but not sure if their "side room" is still available. I will try to post one more time prior to Friday with a consensus decision.

My recollection of the Birthday Bash, when we went to Bob's Big Boy, was that only about 20 showed up, so nobody has to make a commitment. 

Third, the Football Game against Taft! The JV game begins at 4:00, the Varsity game at 7:00. Tickets are $8.00 each. We will have a section "reserved" for us; look for the 1968 Banner on the bleachers! (not sure if it will be hung by the start of the JV game!)

Can't wait to see you at one venue or the other, whether it is Friday night or Saturday.

one last note: if you are still undecided, we will accept walk-ins on Saturday at the Sagebrush!


Friday, October 12 plans
Posted Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:10 AM

The Executive Decision (through the process of consensus, of course) has been reached!

Dinner prior to the football game: 

Stars Drive-in, located at 20445 Sherman Way (north side of Sherman Way, E of Mason), Canoga Park

They have a wide variety of items on their menu. Since we are having a Mexican buffet at the Sagebrush on Saturday, the popular consensus was to NOT have another Mexican restaurant choice on Friday evening.

There is NO prepay, nor requirement for you to attend the dinner at this venue. It is offered for those who are arriving in town on Friday and want to see some friends without doing the Tour of Campus or attend the football game.

Football Game at 7:00 at CHS: '68 grads are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early and gather at (or near) the ticket booth. We are meeting the Athletic Director, Mr. Minassian there. I still do not know if admission will be "free"  or whether we have to pay $8.00/head for tickets, so have some cash in your pocket just in case!  If you arrive late, I will try to be hanging around the booth and give you direction at that time!

See you on Friday and/or Saturday!

John Richards




Edited 10/10/18 10:13 AM