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Dr Smith

Created on: 07/04/20 01:07 PM Views: 110 Replies: 1
Dr Smith
Posted Saturday, July 4, 2020 01:07 PM

Thank you for the wonderful memories brought on by the article on Dr Smith.  I'm actually class of '67, but I can answer the question re the Sr Lawn Pyramid.  It was conceived and carried out by myself (Bruce Nelson), John Divola (look him up, he's a very famous photographer), Gregory Cravens and Bill Fleming (look him up, had a hit single called "Next Plane to London).  We got another dozen or so friends to complete the pyramid, which was done under cover of darkness, probably on a Sunday night.  We caught all sorts of hell for doing it and Dr Smith spoke on the PA during second period about how much it cost the city to tear it down.

We were lucky beyond belief to have Dr Smith as our principal.  You didn't mention that long hair was allowed on guys, back when you'd be hassled by the football team.  They threatened to throw me out of the Letterman's club for the hair.  We were also only one of three schools in the LA county system to have Latin as one of our courses.  Now, 53 years after graduation, if I had to do everything over, I'd still attend CHS!

Finally, I do remember well that first football victory vs Cleveland at Van Nuys HS.  Actually, it was the first LEAGUE FB win as the team had beaten San Pedro at home a week or so earlier for the first win ever.  The hero of the Cleveland game was Roger Russ, who returned a kick roughly 75 yards for a TD.  Sorry I had to come in under someone else's name, but I wanted to clarify the pyramid question.  And to those who might remember me, yes, I'm still running.

RE: Dr Smith
Posted Sunday, July 5, 2020 03:13 PM

Cool post Bruce! I remember that P.A. announcement by Dr. Smith talking about the cost of taking it down.  Some things are just worth the money! :D

You all will live on in infamy for our class and others, and so happy to get these details even all these years later! Thanks for your post. Contact Elaine Rock to get yourself added to this site. We allow guests from other years as I recall!