In Memory

Gerald Schley

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09/27/08 02:05 PM #1    

Gina Baldwin (Golec)

I wonder what they are reading?!? 6th gr 1983 Wheres the party?  1989

10/30/08 10:58 PM #2    

Steve Jewell

In high school you probably remember Gerald as that fun, slightly crazy, loud and proud guy or maybe just that guy always sitting in the front passenger seat of Larry Rayon’s Z24 Cavalier. When he laughed everyone knew it because you could hear him from a half mile away. Whenever Gerald was around there was rarely a dull moment. Gerald enjoyed playing baseball in High School and he was very good at it. After graduating High School in 1989 Gerald enlisted into the U.S. Air force and served honorably for four years. His military occupational responsibilities required him to spend significant time traveling on military aircraft. While serving our country he made several trips to Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries in support of the Desert Storm/Desert Shield conflicts. He made a lot of great friends while in the Air Force, some of which I had the pleasure of meeting while on a trip with Gerald to Wisconsin in 1995. After completing his enlistment, Gerald, along with his girlfriend Debbie, moved back to Cheboygan to be close to his family. Debbie, whom he met while stationed in Oklahoma, obviously cared for Gerald a great deal to be willing to move to Cheboygan. Gerald was employed by a local builder after returning to Cheboygan and was also a member of a men’s fast-pitch softball league. Gerald had attended college at NCMC in Petoskey and talked about plans to later transfer to Ferris State University in his pursuance for a degree in Criminal Justice. His ultimate goal was to someday become a police officer. Gerald left behind many friends and a large family which I could tell he loved very much. He had a very strong bond with his family. I remember he was always a bit tough on his little brother but you could tell it was only because he was looking after him. I think Gerald just wanted to prevent him from doing something stupid or a little too crazy like he may have done in the past. I’m sure there are a few of us that can attest to that. I bet there are many of us that recollect sharing several great memories with Gerald. Looking back I can think of a hundred different stories that somehow involve Gerald and even one ending with our parents having to pick us up from the police station. If you knew Gerald, you knew he liked to have a good time. Gerald was a really good guy, great friend and a very considerate person. We all miss you Bud!! Wisconsin July 1995. Wisconsin July 1995. Gerald and girlfriend Debbie New years 1995 at Johnnies. Wisconsin July 1995.

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