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Pamela Christ Morrison

Residing In: Middlesex, VT USA
Spouse/Partner: Charles Mindel

After graduating from University of Illinois I never came back to the Chicago area. Charles and I have been married 42 years and have lived in Missouri,7 years and Texas 35. We moved here to Vermont two years ago.

I am officially retired from the State of Texas Depart of Health and Human Services. I was a Social Service Surveyor. I was a social worker who licensed, inspected and investigated complaints of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Prior to that I was Director of a private Alzheimer's Unit. All of my professional work involved the elderly and their adult children. In other words I was a geriatric social worker and now I am a geriatric retired person, although I am involved in the local Volunteer Ombudsman program which is basically being an advocate for nursing home residents
