In Memory

Richard Buesch

Richard William Buesch was born on Nov. 29, 1944 and passed away in his beloved Aspen, Colorado on January 10, 2001.  His memorial service was held in February of 2001, and in April about 40 of us gathered at the old New Trier football field to share our remembrances of Rick.  He told me once how much he loved seeing everyone at our 25th reunion and that he wished he could just put his arms around all his classmates and keep them close forever.  Friends like Clark Riley, Jack Kaplan, Jeff Zimber, Jack Kaufman, TJ Dunn, Pete Diltz and members of the NT'62 football team which he co-captained with John Roche.  Rick had become a special friend-  He and Jack Kaplan ran the Marine Corps Marathon in DC one year and several of us were making plans to go to Aspen to see him again when I learned of his passing.   Kerry Ketola Taylor (NT '62 - Kim's sister) flew in to join me and my son Scott at the memorial services that was attended by many Aspen locals and included a tribute from Pitkin Co. Sheriff Bob Braudis, Rick's boss.  Rick had worked in the sheriff's department since the mid-1980's.  He shared a home with his childhood friends, Stan and Rosie Lauriski.  His brother Tom had moved to Aspen and lived nearby.  He touched so many people during his years in Aspen..Beautiful stories from people he had helped through the yearss, how he raised the money for the Pitkin Co. Veterans' Memorial, and got Prince Bandar to fund the Disabled Veternas Ski Week event. So many acts of kindness  - that was just Rick. And he could still wear his Marine dress blues...He deeply loved his country, his family and friends..and We loved him.  Semper Fi, Rick.

Sue Giallombardo Walker

May 28, 2001 Aspen Times Buesch Remembered during Memorial Day service
 Rick's Bench at the Pitkin County Courthouse
(photo taken by Sue G Walker's daughter July 2016) Remember the good times we had with Rick.

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02/27/13 08:19 AM #1    

Tj Dunn

You can view more about Rick and see some photos at

Still miss him...


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