In Memory

Candace Cohen

Candace Cohen

We received word from Lenny Rothschild (SSHS class of January 1965) that Candace Cohen passed away,

He wrote: "Raquel Cohen (Candace) passed away July 2017. She lived in Spain for over 40 years as a world renown sculpture whose works were shown worldwide. Her creativity and kindness was shared by the art community of Europe. She was one of a kind...... "

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12/18/18 01:41 PM #1    

Linda Milsk (Medwin)

It's always sad to receive word of a classmate's passing. I remember Candy from our time at South Shore.  She was always sweet and kind and I remember also that she was very artistic. 

I was particularly interested to learn about the path of her life's journey.  Candy was dimunitive in size, but her artistry is incredible!  I was blown away when I looked at her website.

When I received the informationa from Lenny Rothschild I asked him if I could could quote his words in my post above and he replied, “Please post. She left a great legacy for artistic women world wide.”

Indeed she did!

Raquel Cohen: Light Sculptures

COCUYOS: Creatures of the Coleoptera family which dispel the darkness of the night.

[name given to a local variety of lightning bugs by Spanish speakers in the Caribbean region]

COCUYOS: Criaturas de la familia de los coleópteros que ahuyentan la noche
[nombre que reciben las luciérnagas en el área caribeña

12/19/18 11:06 AM #2    

Larry Greenspon

My fondest memory of Candy was the first day I met her when she  transferred into my class at Bryn Mawr.  We were told a new person was joining our class whose name was Candy Cohen.  When she walked into our class she was wearing a winter hat that covered her ears with what looked like two ice cream (candy) cones.  I and many in the class had a good laugh as we made the connection. 

12/19/18 01:40 PM #3    

Alana (Lanie) Schein (Slakman)

I am deeply sadden regarding the news of Candy Cohen's passing.My fondest memory of Candy was her giant smile which radiated from her oh so tiny self.I was invited to Candy's home and what I observed was a home of love,and love of art. In High school I observed her amazing artistic talents which carried her through her amazing journey of her love of art,and the stunning works she accomplished.
R.I.P. my friend.

12/21/18 01:52 AM #4    

Cheryl (Pinkie) Jennings

I was so very sad to hear of Candy’s passing, she was someone I was hoping to see at our reunion. Candy was someone you never forgot. She was always in art classes with me and she had the same light inside of her they she portrayed in her later art. Somehow Candy always stayed in my memories so very clearly, she was such a kind gentle girl.... I will always miss her. Rest In Peace dear one.

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